World Natural Scenery
Amazon river
The Amazon River (Spanish: Río Amazonas, Portuguese: Rio Amazonas) is a river in South America
which is the second longest river in the world - the Nile River is the longest in Africa.
The Amazon River has the greatest total flow of any river, carrying more than the Mississippi, Nile, and Yangtze rivers combined.
Amazon also has the largest peraliran system of the entire river system. Although the longest river Nile,
but Amazon may be considered "the strongest" (seen from the amount of water flowing per second).
The amount of fresh water released into the Atlantic Ocean is enormous: 184,000 m³ per second (6.5 million kaki³) in the rainy season.
Amazon flow is one-fifth of the total number of fresh water entering the ocean around the world.
The water in the sea near the river has a low salinity up to hundreds of miles away.
The main river (which usually has a width of one to six miles) impassable for large ocean steamers to Manaus,
nearly 800 miles upriver from the mouth. Smaller ships weighing 3,000 tons [1] and 5.5 m (18 ft)
can reach as far as Iquitos, 3,700 km (2,300 miles) from the sea. Smaller riverboats can reach 780 km (486 miles)
further until Achual Point. Passing from there, only a small boat that can rise up to Pongo de Manseriche, above Achual Point.
This river to fetch water from the coordinates of 5 ° N and 20 ° S.
The most distant source are found in the inter-Andean plateau, a short distance to the Pacific Ocean;
and after a distance of 7,200 km (4,800 miles) through the interior of Peru and across Brazil,
he enters the Atlantic Ocean at the equator.
Amazon tribe
Amazon is an appellation. There are two versions of the controversial meaning when viewed from its etymology. The first version, the Amazon based on a review of ancient Iranian languages roughly reads ha-mazan which translates as warriors (warriors). This designation is intended for tribal volunteers brave the majority of women in major battles Persia (492 â € "448 BC).
While the Greek version, says that Amazon implies missing breasts (breastless). The mention of this appeared to a group of female fighters are adept at using arrows. But the members of this tribe does not have breasts right. It is said that her breasts were deliberately cut off to facilitate the movement of their archery.
In Ancient Greek mythology, Amazonian tribe known as a tribe whose members are highly trained female fighters using arrows, spears and swords. A skriptur (estimated) derived from the 8th century or the 7th BC mentions them as Amazon (Amazonia). Amazon women have written comes from a nomadic barbarian tribes living around the Black Sea (northern region of Turkey).
The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus believed in the existence Sarmatians, namely those who occupy the Scythian region. Hence the strong suspicion arises that there has been a merger between female tribe Scythians. Their female offspring, who then forward the culture of the Amazon.
The literature mentions that Amazon tribe is only composed of women. Everything students since childhood to be a formidable fighter. Since the girls stepped on puberty, his right breast was cut in a rite. This is typical Greek Amazon. The women were organizing themselves into a superior race, rivaling noble man even surpass them.
In one year, at least they do hunt men for reproduction and continue the descent. He was forced to serve the sexual intercourse and thereafter discharged back to his tribe. Suppose a boy is born, then they would throw it into tribal man who fertilizes or kept as slaves. Amazon is indeed only accept women alone in their communities.
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