Saturday, May 20, 2017

Taking Care Of Cats

Taking Care Of Cats

These days, cats are among the most popular pet you can own.  There are several breeds available, with the most popular being Persian and Siamese.  Cats are a domesticated animal, with origins dating back some 8,000 years and beyond.  Like any other pet that you may own, including dogs, cats cost money to take care of properly.

When you get a cat, you’ll need to think about the costs.  You’ll obviously need food, and you’ll also need to plan ahead for vet costs.  You’ll also need litter, which can tend to get quite expensive as the years go by.  Your cat will need a litter box, food dish, and water dish.  You should also invest in some toys as well, such as a scratching post, cat toys, a pet carrier, and a bed.  You should also look into getting an ID collar as well, just in case your cat ever gets lost.

Feeding your pet will depend a great deal on his age.  Older cats require two small meals or one large meal for the day.  Kittens on the other hand, require several feedings a day until they get around the age of 12 weeks.  Cats that are between three and six months of age need to be fed three times a day.  Canned food can be fed to cats, although any food that has been left out longer than 30 minutes need to be disposed of.  Canned food can get expensive fast, and you should always keep in mind that some may need to be thrown away when you buy it.  Cats loved canned food, although it doesn’t have any benefits to their dental health like dry food does.

As an alternative plan, you can always leave a supply of dry food out for your pet.  When you give your cat dry food, you should always make sure that he has enough water.  Dry food costs less than canned food, and it can also help to prevent the buildup of tartar on your cat’s teeth.  When you buy dry food, you should always look in terms of health and benefits, and stay away from generic food.  Even though generic food may be cheaper, it may not offer the nutrients your pet needs.

If you own a kitten, you should only give you kitten food designed for him.  You’ll also need to clean and refill his water dish every day.  Even though kittens and adult cats like cow’s milk, you should avoid giving it to them as it can cause diarrhea.  Treats are fine on occasion, although too many of them can cause your pet to get fat.  Feeding your kitten human food is good on occasion, although you may have to mix it in with his cat food.

By themselves, cats stay fairly clean.  Although you don’t have to bathe them that often, you’ll need to give them a brushing at least once a day.  Brushing will reduce the risk of hairballs and keep your cat’s coat nice and clean.  If you are keeping your cat indoors, you’ll need to have a litter box in an area that is easy for your cat to access.  You should always scoop it on a daily basis, and clean it out once a week.  Cats don’t like to use dirty litter boxes, they prefer for it to be nice and clean.

Although cats do require some work, they are great pets that will provide you with years and years of companionship.  As long as you take care of your cat and take him to the vet for his checkups, he should remain healthy.  Even though cats can get sick from time to time – knowing how to care for him will make a world of difference.

Keeping Cats Out Of Your Garden

Your first line of defense when keeping cats out of your garden is to make sure that you have your boundaries secure.  If there are any gaps in your fence, you should make sure that you block them to prevent any low access.  Cats are very agile animals, and can jump very high.  Normally they can jump a fence, which is why you should also invest in string or taut wire across the top.

If a cat has made his way into your garden, it may be hard to get him out.  Most people choose to use dogs, simply because dogs are known to dislike cats. There are several dog breeds out there that completely dislike cats, such as pit bulls and Dobermans.  Cats are completely fearful of these breeds, and will flee if they see them around.

All cats are known to despise water as well.  If you spot a cat in your garden, water almost always gets him out.  All it takes is a bucket of water or a well aimed squirt with a garden hose to make him run away.  After you have hit the cat with water several times, he should get the hint not to come back anymore.  If he comes back, simply squirt him or throw more water on him until he gets the idea.

Protecting your plants is a different story.  Mothballs are said to be very effective, as cats don’t like the smell.  You can use mothballs around your plants, garden borders, or even along the fence.  There are other repellents that you can use as well, such as cayenne peppers, tobacco, lavender oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even lemon grass oil.

If you visit your local hardware or lawn store, you can find motion activated sprinklers.  They work great in keeping cats out of your garden.  Once you install the sprinkler system and a cat comes into the area, the detector will pick up the cat’s presence and immediately shoot out a jet of water that will douse the cat.  In most cases, all it takes is a few times of exposure to the sprinkler before a cat learns to stay out of that area.

Sound devices that feature high frequencies are also a great way to scare off cats, although they aren’t annoying to humans.  You can find several different models, such as those that stay on all the time, and those that are motion detected.  To use this type of device, you’ll need to make sure that the model you have is strong enough to cover the entire area.  If you model you are using is strong enough to cover your entire garden, it should suffice in scaring off any unwanted animals.

You can also use commercial repellents as well.  Commercial repellents use scents to keep cats away, and shouldn’t be used near any food crops.  Due to their high chemical content, commercial repellents can pollute your crops.  You can find them at your local department store, with several varieties to choose from, many of which will fend off other animals from your garden as well.

If you have a garden, it can be very annoying if cats and other animals decide to make your garden their home.  If you stick to your guns and do your part, you can prevent them from bothering your garden or your crops.  Once you have secured your boundaries around the garden, you should try using water first.  If water doesn’t seem to work, you can look into another method, such as commercial repellents.

The Cruelty Of Claw Removal

The Cruelty Of Claw Removal

Cats use their claws for various purposes.  The claws are important to cats, as they are an essential part of balancing.  If you’ve ever noticed a cat jumping and latching on to a high object, you’ve probably noticed that he uses his claws to pull himself up.  When climbing trees, cats tend to use their claws to latch onto the bark and climb towards their destination.

Cats also use their claws for stretching, walking, and running as well.  The claws are also a cat’s primary source of defense against other animals and humans as well.  Most cats keep their claws extremely sharp, as their claws and teeth are basically their only weapons.  The claws are also essential for using the bathroom as well, as cats use them to cover up their mess with dirt.

Cats also use their claws to scratch things, which mark their territory.  Their claws have glands, which contain a secretion.  When they leave their mark on something, the secretion is transferred to the area they scratched.  This is detectable to other cats although not to humans.  Sometimes, they will also scratch something to remove the older claw which will fall off and give them a brand new claw that resides underneath.

As sad as it is, a lot of pet owners choose to put their own possessions above their cat, such as their expensive furniture or carpets.  These cat owners are afraid that they cat will ruin their furniture or carpet, and therefore will choose to get their cat de-clawed.  Getting a cat’s claws removed is a surgical procedure, one that can only be performed by a veterinarian.  The owner will need a good reason though, as a vet won’t do the surgery just to keep one’s furniture or carpet protected.

If you’ve been thinking of getting your cat de-clawed, you should know that the process can totally change his personality.  Once the cat is de-clawed, he will be in pain and confused.  He may not be able to jump in the window or on the couch, and he may not be able to play like he once did.  Some cats, after being de-clawed, tend to get aggressive and bite with their teeth.  To make a long story short, the cat will be completely miserable – which is a tough thing to bear for those who love their cats.

Those who decide to own cats should know that a cat can scratch on occasion.  If someone isn’t prepared to deal with that fact, they shouldn’t own a cat in the first place.  Cats are great pets, although they do have claws and they will use them on occasion.  There are plenty of other great pets out there, if you aren’t up for handling a cat.  If you’re just worried about your furniture or carpet, there are ways that you can keep your cat from scratching on your belongings.

The first thing to do is to get your cat a scratching post and let him know where it is and how to use it.  You can also get a rush mat as well, which will help your cat with his instincts to scratch.  You may have to demonstrate how to use the mat or the post at first, although your cat should catch onto it quick.  Once you have shown him the ropes, he will scratch on the post or the mat – and not your furniture or your carpet.

Although many don’t realize it, there are other ways to protect your things other than getting your cat de-clawed.  Getting a cat’s claws removed is very painful and confusing to the cat, and may totally change his outlook on things.  Before you decide to take the inhumane path of getting your cat de-clawed, you should look into your other available options- your cat will like these options much better.

The Amazing Cat Species

We all know that cats are loving and truly wonderful creatures.  These days, it isn’t out of the ordinary to see a cat in virtually every other home, sleeping in the window or cuddling up on the laps of their owners.  Although cats have been popular pets for as long as most can remember, they weren’t domesticated less than 5,000 years or so ago.  Domestication took place in the valley of the Nile, which is what research tells us today.

In the beginning, people were very grateful to cats and encouraged them to stay with them by feeding them various scraps of food.  Once they were fed and perceived humans to be no threat, the cats would move in permanently with their human owners.  As time went by, even the wildest of cat would allows humans to approach him, often times even hold and touch as well.

In those days, cats were very loyal and endearing pets.  They proved to be great hunters, as they done their sleeping in short periods and were much easier to wake up than dogs.  Cats also have better night vision than dogs, and much better hearing as well.  If someone moved through the house or if they heard suspicious noises, they would wake while dogs would sleep right through it.  Humans loved having cats around, and they seemed to get along good with dogs as well.

These days, cats are used for both companionship and show.  They aren’t used much at all for hunting mice and rodent anymore at all.  There are a lot of breeds available, from the traditional alley cat to the well known Siamese.  All breeds are unique in their own way, and will provide you with years of companionship if you take care of them.

Before you get a kitten or older cat, you’ll first want to examine the source.  If you are getting the kitten from a breeder, you’ll want to make sure that the breeder has a reputable reputation.  You’ll also want to ensure that the cattery is clean and in good shape.  The kittens that are still there shouldn’t be overcrowded, and their surroundings should be clean.  The litter boxes there should be kept up and both the food and water dish should be clean and full.  The kittens shouldn’t be caged, instead free to run around.  All cats that are there should appear healthy, with shiny coats and none of their ribs showing.

When you get your kitten, it should be used to being touched and handled.  The kitten should be sweet, not afraid in the least.  Kittens that have been handled young normally have a better temperament.  The better breeders won’t allow their kittens to leave the nest until they are around 12 weeks old, with some waiting until the kittens are 16 weeks.  By doing this, breeders ensure that the kitten is in good health and his immune system has properly developed.

There’s no mistaken the fact that cats are great to own.  You can get a kitten from a reputable breeder, through a local newspaper, or an adoption agency.  Cats can also be obtained from a local pound, although people normally don’t like to choose this option.  No matter which way you decide to pursue, you should always make sure that your cat is healthy.  If you get a healthy cat, you won’t have a lot of problems later on down the road.  Healthy cats were taken care of – and normally have everything up to date – including their vaccinations.

Things To Know About Abused Cats

Things To Know About Abused Cats

Cats that have been abused can appear severely maimed and damaged all over their exterior.  Some may appear to be in perfect shape on the outside, although all of the damage they sustained may be internal or emotional.  Even though physical damage is bad, emotional damage is much tougher to fix.  Cats who have physical abuse will still answer to a soft touch and soft voice, as long as they know that the abuse has come to an end.

When you have a cat that has been emotionally abused, you’ll need to wait until the cat comes to you.  You’ll need to use patience, as the cat will be confused and not know if you plan to hurt him or not.  If you take your time and let him know that you are nothing to fear, he will eventually come to you.  When he starts to come to you, you can let him sniff you and pet him.  After a while, he will learn that he can trust you and he will come to you when you call him.

Yelling, raising your voice, or using disciplinary tools such as flyswatters or water guns the wrong way can lead to emotional damage.  If you continue to use the wrong means of discipline on an emotionally damaged cat, the cat can become mean or lethargic.  When a cat turns mean, it’s not always a bad thing.  Meaner cats are easier to reach, as they still care a bit about what happens to them – while lethargic cats could really care less.

Cats that have become lethargic won’t play, take treats, or respond to anything you say to them.  With a lethargic cat, the ideal way to get him to respond is to bring in a companion cat.  Over time, a lethargic cat will eventually look for attention, normally a scratch or a pat.  When this happens, you should always use a soft voice and snuggle with him.  Never raise your voice at this point, and make sure you let the cat know that his behavior is a lot better.

You should make slow movements around a lethargic cat, as he is still quite traumatic.  Once he is coming around and letting you touch him again, he is getting back to his normal self.  Keep in mind that it may take some time, which is to be expected with this type of situation.  If your cat starts to get upset again or if you raise your voice, he will hide again.  If you continue to use a soft voice and have patience, your cat will eventually get past this.  If you get a cat that is lethargic, you should prepare yourself for a long and very intensive healing period.

Angry or mean cats on the other hand, will either fight and scratch with you, or simply run away from you.  With mean cats, the best thing to do is use gentle treatment with a soft voice.  You can never try to raise your voice or use strict discipline, as it will only make the cat meaner.  Never attempt to trap the cat either, as trapping it will only make the cat react.  If you take your time and let the cat know that you are there for him, he will eventually calm down.

Abused cats are truly a sad thing, although they are out there.  Abused cats can be a sad thing to see indeed, especially those that were physically abused.  Abused cats need a loving home and a loving owner who will give them the type of lifestyle they deserve.  Always remember that if you are dealing with an abused cat – you should always be as gentle as you possibly can.

Tips For Introducing Cats

When you decide to add a new cat to your home, it’s normally more exiting for you and your family than it is for the cat you already own.  Although most cats are solitary by nature, most will also come to accept or eventually tolerate any additions.  Cats can be very territorial, which is why you should always be careful when you introduce a new cat to your current cat.

If you are introducing kittens to one another, the entire introduction process can be short, lasting as little as 10 – 15 days.  Introducing cats to each other all depends on their temperament and their personality.  When you introduce a new cat to your current cat, you should always make sure that you give your current cat plenty of love and attention.  This way, your cat will feel secure and know that he isn’t in competition with your new cat for affection.

When you bring your new cat home, you should let him stay in a safe room until you have finished introducing the cats.  Your safe room can be any small room in your home, such as a bathroom or spare bedroom.   The key here is to use a room that your current cat doesn’t go in.  In the room, you should leave your new cat a scratching post, bed, water dish, litter box, and food dish.

At first, your current cat may howl and hiss when he stands at the door, trying to tell the other cat that he doesn’t belong.  When this happens you should ignore it, as punishing your cat for his behavior will only lead to more problems.  After a while, the first cat will start to act calm when he is near the new cat’s door.  As he starts to act calm, you should pet him and give him praise.

When your first cat starts to go by your new cat’s door and doesn’t howl or hiss; you can start introducing them to each other.  The best way to do this is to get them used to each others scent.  You can start letting them eat out of the same food dish, although you’ll want to feed them at different intervals at first.  This way, the scent of each cat will be present at the food dish, and each cat will get the scent when he eats his food.

Once both cats have got used to the scent, you can begin to feed them closer together.  To do this, you should keep your new cat in the safe room with the door closed, and your first cat on the other side of the door with his food dish.  This time, feed both cats at the same time.  After doing this a few times, they should start eating without any hissing or growling.  At this point, they are ready to be introduced to one another.

When you introduce them to each other in the same room, a bit of growling and hissing is to be expected.  Although they may be used to each others scent; your first cat will still feel a bit awkward with your new cat being in his territory.  You should play with them both at first, so they can smell one another and greet in their own way. If they start to fight you should break them up, and give them some time apart.

It may take some time to get them fully used to one another, although once they do – they will become playmates for life.  Cats love to be social, although it may be a bit rough at first, especially for your first cat.  Cats can be very territorial, especially if you have a kitten around.  If you get both of them used to each other early on – it will be a lot easier to add future cats to your home.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Musical Themed Paintings

Musical Themed Paintings

Musical themed paintings can be fun to find and fun to buy.  I have a musician friend that recently purchased a new home.  She bought new furnishings and asked me to find a new painting for her.  I found her a fabulous creation by Osnat.  It was an enormous, gallery size painting.

My friend’s new furnishings were very contemporary and the Osnat musical themed painting I bought for her was breathtaking when all five parts were mounted.  The musical staff ran the length of the painting with musical notes painted on it.  The painting had pretty shades of yellows and oranges.  It looked so elegant.

I found a still life musical themed painting of a guitar to buy for a friend.  He always has had beautiful pieces of art in his home and he wanted to change some of the pieces he had grown tired of.  The abstract piece that I found really struck a cord with my friend and he ended up buying another painting from the same artist.

I found a painting that was called Music of Fire that didn’t really seem to have a musical theme.  I showed it to a friend and she told me that the flames looked like they were dancing.  She told me that I was using a very narrow definition of musical themed paintings when I was buying art.

Abstract guitars really seem to be my favorite musical themed paintings.  I like to buy them when they jump out at me.  There is an artist named Slazo that is very prolific with his musical themed guitar paintings.  He has had a lot of exhibitions in Florida.

A friend of mine asked me to find artwork by an Armenian named Aram Koupetzian.  I was able to find a musical themed painting called Rondo by this artist.  It was really intriguing.  I’ve never purchased a painting in the Cubist style before.  The exact style of this musical themed painting was Synthetic Cubism.  I liked it a lot.  There is a lot to look at in the painting.

A couple of years ago, a good friend of mine graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with a degree.  He had a double major of music and education.  He got a job as an assistant band director at a middle school in Austin.  As a combination graduation and new job present, I bought him a musical themed painting.

The musical themed painting that I chose was painting by Tilo Rothacker that depicted a jazz musician playing a trumpet.  It was so very colorful and it felt a lot like New Orleans.  My friend and I had visited the French Quarter several times together.  This musical themed painting celebrated his life changes and our friendship perfectly.

My younger sister is quite the accomplished violinist.  She moved to New York and went to Juilliard.  Her path changed after a couple of years in New York.  She stopped pursuing the violin as a career, but her love for her music never waned.  I bought her a musical themed painting when she bought her apartment.  It was a contemporary abstract with brilliant rich jewel tones that depicted a woman violinist.

I was looking for musical themed paintings one day when I found Melody of Sunset for sale.  I’m not sure why this painting bothered me so much.  The woman was playing the piano, but she seems disembodied and strange.  Her eyes were closed.  This musical themed painting just did not strike a cord with me and I did not buy it.

My favorite musical themed painting in a long time was The Sound of Jazz.  It was painted by Sarah Kinan and it is gorgeous.  It is hard for me to not smile when I’m looking into this painting.  The background looks like confetti and the foreground is filled with musical instruments.  This musical themed painting can be described as feeling like a party.

Modern Oil Paintings 

I have been buying modern oil paintings for a show in my gallery.  I have found many nice pieces.  I found a painting called Village in winter in a private collection in Illinois.  The artist was Fern Isabel Coppedge and she was an American.  I liked the piece because of the snowy scene.  It reminded me of my childhood.

While on a buying trip, I found Clouds Over Buckingham.  This was a really nice modern oil painting that was in a private collection in Pennsylvania.  I have seen work by this artist before and it always resells very well.

Buying modern oil paintings has taken me to various places across the United States.  I especially liked Main Line, Pennsylvania.  That is where I acquired Leaning Silo.  The artist of Leaning Silo was Arthur Meltzer.  I had been previously unfamiliar with him.

I enjoyed my trip to Long Island City.  I was buying modern oil paintings and found one from a French artist named Georges Antoine Rochegrosse that I really liked.  This painting was painted around 1900 and it was full of flowers.  I really liked it and think it will do well in the show.

I find that I can buy modern oil paintings very efficiently on the internet.  I found an art dealer in the United Kingdom that finds me some very nice items to show.  Recently, he sent me a painting of a nude beauty by British artist Allan Douglas Davidson.

The modern oil painting depicted a young Bohemian woman wearing only flowers in her hair.  She also has large gold earrings. She is posed against a dark background which highlights the perfection of her creamy skin.

The still life I recently acquired was so amazingly real looking.  This was one of the most beautiful modern oil paintings that I’ve found.  The detail was exceptional and the representation of the blooming rose was breathtaking.

I was so lucky when I found an original Max Ernst modern oil painting.  The title of the piece I found was Arizona Desert.  I really think it will do well in my show and I didn’t even pay half of what I think it is really worth.  It will make a great addition to someone’s collection.

I found a modern oil painting by the Spanish artist Grifoll that I liked.  I’m not sure how well this painting of a clown will sell, but I liked it and I think that there is bound to be someone who just can’t live without it.

I just adore paintings that depict Paris.  I don’t even care about the period or the style.  I was able to find a really nice modern oil painting by Edouard Cortes for my show.  The painting depicts flower vendors and a horse carriage.  I almost feel like I’m in turn of the century Paris when I look into it for a long time.

There are a lot of modern oil paintings that depict roses.  I plan to have a grouping of several at my show.  I was able to buy a painting by Theresa Bernstein called Roses that she painted in the 1940s.  She lived to be 111 years old and that is pretty amazing.

A popular theme among modern oil paintings is nautical.  I really do not like nautical paintings and don’t want them in my show.  I have had several friends implore me to change my mind.  I keep being told that I can’t possibly have a show of modern oil paintings that does not include a ship.

I had an assistant bring in a modern oil painting that had an interesting history.  It was more because of the history of the painting that I decided to hang it than because of its content.  The ship scene was really not to my liking, but I bought it anyway.

I have been looking for an antique street scene painted by Bettylane Resnik.  I saw a modern oil painting by her in an art catalog that depicted a really colorful street scene.  I can’t seem to find the current owner, but I’m trying.  I think that it would complete my show.

Religious Paintings for My Gallery

Religious Paintings for My Gallery

I have a gallery that a local businessman financed.  He wanted a place on the town square that featured religious paintings.  I’ve been busy buying religious painting for several years.  I have found some very nice pieces and I have a lot of people purchase paintings that I’ve found.

One of my favorite artists is someone that I actually stumbled across when I was buying religious paintings.  He was not famous, but he had some of his pieces at a local show.  I found that he primarily paints and sells his work on the internet.

It is hard to describe all of the feelings that I had when I saw his first piece.  I really liked that he used the scripture Psalm 139:14 and made it gently legible within the layers of fresco colors.  I thought that this was an excellent choice for my gallery.  Buying religious paintings is very rewarding.

When my painting arrived, it was on gallery wrap ¾ inch stretcher frames and was ready to hang.  My patrons came to a private preview of the piece and were so happy with my success at buying religious paintings.  The piece was actually five original canvases, each 15” X 30” with black painted gallery wrap edges so that no frames were needed.

The title of the piece was long, but appropriate.  The title was “I will praise thee for I am fearfully made marvelous are Thy works and that my soul knoweth right well”.  One of my patrons wanted to buy it and hang it in his home.  I had to convince him to let me show it for four months before he did that.  It is hard work finding and buying suitable religious paintings.

In all the time that I’ve spent looking at and buying religious paintings, I am starting to feel like an expert.  I try to find paintings in a variety of mediums to keep the gallery feeling fresh and vibrant.  My favorite religious paintings use fresh earth minerals, pigments, oil glazes and acrylic varnish.

I actually have no preference if an artist signs his canvas or not.  Most of my patrons, however, want their religious paintings signed.  So, when I am buying religious paintings, I try to find ones that the artist signed.

The artist that I decided was my personal favorite uses the lost language of symbolism in his original paintings.  He told me that his religious paintings are inspired by the ancient storytelling frescoes of Pompeii, Italy.  He has a trademark style that he calls Religious Graffiti.

I get a lot of requests for certain subjects in the religious paintings that I buy.  I have been looking for religious paintings of Mary and Jesus and also painting of Mary and Angel Gabriel.  I have several families that have wanted these classic images in their homes.  I have another family that wants me to find an oil Madonna with Child to hang in her church.

There was one religious painting that I bought that was very sweet.  The image of Our Lady, Jesus and St. Giovannino was very provocative and it hung prominently in the gallery for six months before I let it go.  I get attached to the religious paintings that I buy and then get to view every day.  I have a policy that no painting will leave the walls of the gallery for four months.

My new favorite piece is an abstract triptych that I found while I was in Atlanta buying religious paintings.  The piece was called Guardian Angel and I love it.  My patrons fell in love with it as well.  They have asked me to track down the artist and see if he has anymore religious paintings available.

The only religious paintings that I actually do not buy are ones that reflect the image of Jesus on the cross.  I don’t have a problem with them, some of them are extremely well done and would more than likely sell well, but my investors made it very clear when they financed the gallery that I would not put that image into it.

Paintings of Food and Wine

I’ve been buying paintings of food and wine to resell to restaurants.  I make a good profit doing this. I have a real talent for matching the painting of food and wine to the restaurant that should hang it in their dining room.  I have purchased over one hundred paintings so far and I’ve sold over eighty of them to restaurant owners.

I sold a painting of food and wine to a martini bar that was opening up in a neighboring city.  I took a photo of the Michael Godard painting called Pop Olive and took it straight to the owner in person.  He loved the painting and hung it in his bar.

The Michael Godard paintings always seem to resell the best of all of the food and wine paintings that I buy.  There was one called Olives Gone Wild that I sold to a martini bar on the East Coast.  The restaurant owner thought it was fantastic and looked fun.

I saw an awesome painting in the food and wine section of a local studio.  The painting was called Chocolatey.  I bought the painting and have approached a couple of candy stores to purchase it.  I haven’t gotten a taker, yet, but I’m going to keep trying.

There is a pie shop in my town that I sold an original oil painting of an oversized apple.  There are always a lot of food and wine paintings at the galleries I frequent.  I liked the apple painting and also bought a sunflower painting by the same artist.

I bought an acrylic painting from an artist in North Hollywood.  His painting called Passion Splash is categorized as a food and wine painting because the woman in the painting is drinking red wine.  I sold it to a wine bar in Miami.  I was sad to see that huge eyed woman go.

I bought several food and wine paintings from him on that trip.  One of the paintings was entitled For a Perfect Cherry and I decided to keep that one and hang it in my dining room.  The red in the painting is fantastic and so beautiful.  I liked to display this food and wine painting with a spotlight on it.

I was able to resell a food and wine painting to a fish shop in New York City.  The fish shop had an upscale clientele and they wanted to put some artwork on the walls of the lobby.  I found an original oil painting by Marie M. Vlasic of a lobster.  It was such a good food and wine painting and it looked at home in the fish shop.

There was a dessert shop owner in Denver that contacted me and asked me to keep an eye out for food and wine paintings that featured pears.  She had developed several pear recipes that were fast becoming her signature dishes and she wanted to address that with the art hanging in her establishment.

I found a lovely oil on wood food and wine painting of four pears on a glass table.  The artist paints a new painting every day.  I commissioned him to make me six more paintings of pears and then I sold all seven to the dessert shop owner that had contacted me.  She was thrilled with the pieces and invited me to visit sometime.

I have a friend that owns a local beer joint.  I immediately thought of him when I was on a buying trip for food and wine paintings.  I saw an oil painting on stretched canvas that featured a close-up of an unopened bottle of beer.  It was perfect for him.  I bought it and it still hangs at the end of his bar.

My little sister was redecorating her shop and I found a great original oil food and wine painting.  The artist’s subject was a large spoon and strawberry jam.  The piece looked delicious!  I gave it to her shop and she hung it in the area that she sells gourmet jams.

Excalibur Hotel and Casino Brings Magic to Life

Excalibur Hotel and Casino Brings Magic to Life

If you are harboring thoughts of bringing the family for a Las Vegas vacation, then perhaps you should seriously consider a stay at Excalibur Hotel and Casino. This hotel will have you feeling as though you've stepped into the fairy tales of your childhood. From the moment you cross the threshold from the outside world to the charmed existence of life in the hotel you will find that you have truly been charmed and are leading a somewhat enchanted existence.

Not only is there the magnificent casino to enjoy, there is also the wonderful pool, links golf, the castle walk for your shopping pleasure, and the midway where you can play all kinds of fun and exciting arcade and carnival games. Perhaps one of the most memorable and impressive of offerings is the Tournament of Kings dinner show. This show is offered nightly at 6:00 and 8:30 and you will eat in the manner of those in medieval times, without utensils while watching the evil wizard Mordred as he invades the evening festivities. This show is quite enjoyable and relies heavily upon audience participation.

Dining in the hotel and casino can be quite the adventure without the assistance of horses and actors as there are several dining options including the Roundtable Buffet, The Steakhouse at Camelot, Regale Italian Eatery, Sherwood Forest Café, and how could we forget Sir Galahad's Pub and Prime Rib House?

If you're looking for the fairytale wedding of your dreams, then Excalibur has the package for you. You can even elect to rent medieval costumes in which to get married. There are many different packages available to fit various budgets and wedding needs. Wedding packages vary in price from around $400 plus $55 for the cost of the minister to around $1575 plus the cost of the minister. These are all rather basic packages and do not include extras such as costume rentals, extra poses for the wedding photos, or video and candle services.

Before your big day make sure you make liberal use of the spa services available at Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Of course this is a great idea even if you are just hoping to relax while on vacation. You remember relaxation right? That is what you did on occasion before you had children. You should definitely get the royal treatment that is available through the spa and enjoy every minute of your visit. Some of the spa services offered at Excalibur include: facials, wraps, Aveda facials, and various massages. There are add on services that can be purchased and packages available. This is a great way to spend an hour or three before your big day or any day.

Once you've finished getting pampered at the spa, step on over to Kristina's Salon and get primped. You can enjoy everything from manicures to full service hair styling services. Whether you are preparing for your big day and saying "I do!" or simply for a romantic evening on the strip this is a great place to begin.

Excalibur also offers full service catering and convention services. Whether you are hosting a wedding reception or a company convention we have the facilities as well as the expertise to keep everything operating seamlessly behind the scenes so that all eyes will be on the things that are important. Projections and profits for the corporate conventions and the bride and groom for wedding receptions.

Excalibur Hotel Casino can meet almost any lodging and accommodation needs for those staying and playing in Las Vegas, more than that we can provide a great 'fairy tale' atmosphere for your family vacation or just your big trip in general. If you haven't given proper consideration to the idea of staying here during your visit, I highly encourage that you do-especially if you have a little princess in your party that you are trying to impress.

Fabulous Vegas Freebies

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of freebies and living frugally. What self respecting Vegas visitor would ever pay full price if they didn't have to or leave this great city of chance without getting something for nothing. One of the best services I can provide my fellow man is the ability to share these fabulous free finds with anyone that is interested in what I have to offer.

This is better than a 'tell all' book on who did it and why isn't it? The Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens offers a delight to the eyes of the beholder. It is a true delight to all the senses to see the sights and inhale the fragrance of these gardens that display seasonal highlights in plants, flowers, and produce. Each season offers new delights to the senses and there is no admission fee to view these beautiful floral arrangements. This is a great place for a photo op to help you remember your time in Las Vegas.

Have you ever seen water dance? If not, then while you're visiting the Botanical Gardens at the Bellagio, you'll want to stick around long enough to witness the fountains of Bellagio. These shows consist of more than 1000 fountains that are literally dancing in choreographed unison with light to the music (you may be surprised or quite possibly impressed by the extent and variety of the music play list for this particular show). This is also free to witness and occurs every half hour or so after 3:00 PM throughout the week and after noon on the weekends. 

If you're looking for more great fun that is free for the entire family to enjoy, head on over to Circus Circus for Circus Acts-this show is free to watch and provides the audience with the thrills and chills of the big top day after day. You can watch different acts as they perform throughout the day at the half hour mark between the hours of 11 AM and Midnight.

Sam's Town Hotel and Gambling Hall offers a stunning display of water and laser lights daily at 2:00, 6:00, 8:00, and 10:00. This show is called "Sunset Stampede" and takes place in a 9-story atrium that hosts a natural habitat of live trees, greenery, waterfalls, and trails.

Another great free attraction in Vegas is the Masquerade Show in the Sky. The show is free to watch, if you choose to participate by riding one of the floats, the cost is $12.95 (that is subject to change). This experience is very reminiscent of Carnivale in Brazil. The floats are literally suspended from the ceiling for the sake of this show which is considered one of the best free shows that Vegas has to offer.

Perhaps one of the most interesting freebies is the Silverton Hotel and Casino's Aquarium. This attraction is completely free to the public and a fascinating thrill to children big and small (even mom's find this one fascinating). Enjoy watching both salt water and freshwater fish in their natural habitats and enjoy the ambiance of your surroundings.

The Sirens of Ti is a great sexy pirates tale that shows at Treasure Island TI daily as the weather allows. This is one great show that the kids, especially little boys that think pirates are the bomb and big boys that enjoy watching ships sink and sirens do what sirens do, will all agree to enjoy together.

Free entertainment is often the best entertainment that can be found. There are so many things to do and see that cost literal fortunes. It is nice to know that there are so many thrilling adventures available for little or no cost to explore while visiting Las Vegas. If you spend wisely, you will discover that you can enjoy the better part of most days filled with activity without breaking your wallet or becoming close personal friends with any creditors.

Circus Circus Family Fun Vegas Style

Circus Circus Family Fun Vegas Style

Circus Circus Las Vegas boasts of being the most kid friendly hotel in Las Vegas. With its big top attitude and its indoor amusement park it very well may be. In addition to being the most kid friendly hotel on the Las Vegas strip Circus Circus Hotel is also the fifth largest hotel in the world. Of course this is at the moment and that is subject to change at any time.

The beauty of this particular hotel doesn't lie so much in its size or even the circus like atmosphere. The charm lies in the fact that it was something new and relatively untried along the Vegas strip. Rather than build to suit the gamblers they were hoping to attract, this particular hotel was wise enough to offer something new and untried by appealing to families with children rather than solely to gamblers.

The gamble seems to be paying off in a city that is known for both its hits and its misses. Other hotels and casinos are also working to cultivate the family friendly image that Circus Circus has basically proven. Not only did this hotel build The Adventuredome Theme Park they also decided to make accommodations even more family friendly by accommodating RVs at the Circusland RV Park. This offers a great place for families to stay that might not otherwise grace the theme park, hotel, or the casino.

Don't forget that there is a casino involved and that is the primary purpose of this gigantic hotel, resort, and theme park. The casino makes the expense of building it all very much worthwhile and brings in big business of its own each and every day. In grand Vegas style there is also the requisite onsite shopping and of course full service of wedding options in addition to a wedding chapel and banquet facilities in which to hold the reception of your dreams. The shopping at Circus Circus offers everything from ultra exclusive boutique shops and salons to stores such as Under $10 and the trading Post, which offers fad jewelry and other kid friendly gifts.

This hotel has a somewhat unique concept that sets it apart from the many others along Vegas' strip. If you are traveling to Vegas with the family I very much recommend at least checking them out and comparing prices and packages with the other hotels and resorts in the area. Keep in mind that comps are like money in the bank particularly when they involve food or activities that you were planning to do even without the comps. So you may be able to negotiate a much better deal even if you're paying a couple more dollars a night by having free parking, complimentary meals, or tickets to events, shows, or attractions.

Now we're on to my favorite part of the discussion. Dining options. Circus Circus does not disappoint when it comes to offering variety to its guests. In addition to The Steakhouse, there is The Garden Grill, Mexitallia, Pink Pony, Circus Buffet, Pizzeria, Westside Deli, and Barista Café. The food offerings accommodate varying budgets and familial needs by offering some kid friendly dining choices to visitors and guests as well. The good news however is that if these restaurants aren't appealing to you there is another hotel, casino, or restaurant next door that has different fare to offer.

If you are looking for a great place to stay in Las Vegas along with the family there are very few hotels that will offer the overall environment of fun and wonder that you will find at Circus Circus. In addition to the wonderful rooms, the great food, the casino, and The Adventuredome Theme Park you will find that the shows here are as kid friendly and entertaining for the entire family as the atmosphere in general. This is a great vacation destination anywhere. Considering the fact that it is in Las Vegas and it is very nearly the perfect vacation retreat for those with children.

Eating Cheap in Vegas

A Las Vegas vacation for many people is an experience to enjoy 24/7 food, drink, and gambling. In fact that is the very reason that many people visit Vegas and it is also one of the main reasons that the city of Las Vegas and the gambling empires that have been built, crumbled, and been rebuilt again and again have had many of the rocky rides that offer more bumps, dips, twists, and turns than you will find on many of the roller coasters that also inhabit this great city.

Las Vegas has so much more than that to offer its visitors. Gone are the days when gambling was the sole income of casinos or that casinos were the only businesses in town. Vegas is dressing up a bit in recent years and working oh so slowly and diligently towards changing its image. 

This city of bright lights and empty promises is quickly becoming a city that offers world-class entertainment and excitement to its residents and its visitors. Las Vegas has some of the best dining on the planet. Many of the wonderful dining experiences are associated with the casinos of the area but they would not be as successful as they are if there was not a reason to keep the tables full. Diners don't tend to dine if the food isn't good and a for a restaurant a bad review will travel around the world three times before ten good reviews will make it once. This means that the world-class fine dining restaurants really must earn their stripes in order to bring in the business required in order to stay in business.

I personally tend to look for the dining bargains and that is what this particular article will focus on. There many great places to eat in Vegas that will not have you busting open your piggy bank. Now my guy is a steak and potato kind of man so I always try to look for a good steak bargain. For him, I love Arizona Charlie's Boulder Sourdough Café. Here you can get a 14-ounce Porterhouse for $7.99 this includes soup or salad, choice of potato or rice (5 pm-11 pm), veggies, and rolls. You can also get spaghetti and meatballs for $6.49 and Chicken Penne Primavera or fried chicken for $6.99. This is good food at its best at a price that easy on the budget. 

This is just one of the many places a person or family can get a relatively good meal inexpensively. Not all great bargains involve steaks but there are many great food bargains to have. Be aware of coupons you may find around town offering two for one food purchases or dollars off of entree purchases. It may not seem like much or two but if you can manage to save $2 per two people for 10 meals during your stay, that adds up pretty quickly to $40 that could buy a little time on the slot machines or tickets to one of the many great shows. 

Cheap dining by no means indicates a lack of quality. While it may not be as sophisticated as some offerings, you might find that a lot of the cheaper places to eat actually have far superior flavor to many of the more expensive dining experiences and it's just nice to get away from buffet food once in a while during your Vegas stay. You can only endure so many buffets before they all begin looking, and tasting just alike.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Looking to Remodel Your Kitchen, While Saving Money at the Same Time

Looking to Remodel Your Kitchen, While Saving Money at the Same Time

Are you a homeowner?  If so, there is a good chance that you may be a little tight on cash.  As nice as it is to own a home, it is expensive to. Despite being low on financial resources, you may still want to remodel your home, particularly your kitchen. Although you might not think that it is possible, there are a number of different ways that you can go about changing your kitchen around without having to spend more money than you need to.

Perhaps, the most obvious way to save money, when it comes to remodeling your kitchen, is deciding whether or not your kitchen really needs to be remodeled. As a homeowner, you have every right to remodel your kitchen, if you wish to do so; however, if money is tight it may be a good idea to rethink your decision, at least until your financial outlook improves. Although it may be a good idea to hold off on the kitchen remodeling, you may not necessarily want to. As previously mentioned, there a number of relatively low-cost ways that you could go about remodeling your kitchen.

One of the best ways to go about remodeling your kitchen without going broke is by taking it one step at a time. Although your goal may be to remodel your whole kitchen, inside and out, it can be costly do it all at the same time. By doing your remodeling in steps, it may make it easier for you to afford the overall cost of a kitchen remodeling project. For instance, if you would like to replace your kitchen cabinets, it may be a good idea to start there first.  After your kitchen cabinets have been replaced and you have additional money for remodeling, you may want to move onto the next remodeling project, say changing the light fixtures in your kitchen.  Taking one step at a time may not only make it easier for you to afford the cost of remodeling, but it may also help to make sure that you are choosing the right materials, supplies, and designs.

Where you buy your supplies and materials from may also have an impact on how much a kitchen remodeling project costs. Whether you decide to do all of your remodeling at once or do it a little bit at a time, you will want to keep an eye on where you are buying your materials from. If you are looking to save the most money, you may want to think about shopping at one of your local home improvement stores.  Most home improvement stores, especially those that operate on a national level, carry everything that you need to undergo a kitchen remodeling project.  In addition to the tools needed, you may also be able to find the supplies or materials that you need, such as kitchen sinks, kitchen sink pipes, kitchen floor tiles, as well as kitchen light fixtures.

You can also save money, when remodeling your kitchen, by doing all of the work yourself. It may be easier to use a professional contactor, but it is also more expensive.  Even if you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of kitchen remodeling, you may be able to learn. There are a number of resources guides that can be found online, in your local book stores, or in your local library. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to attend a kitchen remodeling class, course, or seminar.  These resources, not matter what they are, may make it easier for you to remodel your kitchen yourself.  In fact, most of the time, all you need is a plan and a set of directions to follow and you should be good to go.

Despite all of the above mentioned tips, you may still find it difficult to remodel your kitchen, money wise.  If this is the case, you may want to place more of a focus on redecorating. Simply by changing your kitchen curtains, replacing some of your kitchen appliances, or even by changing your kitchen towel theme, you could get the new kitchen feel that you were looking for. While it might not be exactly what you had hoped for, it is an alterative that may just give you what you need.

Remodeling Your Kitchen:  Choosing Your New Kitchen Countertops

Have you recently made the decision to remodel your kitchen?  If so, what would you like to have remodeled?  There are some homeowners who only choose to have a specific part of their kitchen remodeled, but then there are others who want everything changed.  Whether you want to only improve a small part of your kitchen or if you want a completely different kitchen, there is a good chance that you may be looking for a new kitchen countertop.  If so, have you decided on which type of countertop you would like?

When it comes to choosing new kitchen countertops, for your kitchen remodeling project, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration.  One of the most important things to keep in mind is your kitchen cabinets.  Kitchen countertops are almost always placed on top of kitchen cabinets or cupboards.  If you are looking to remodel your cabinets as well, it may be a good idea to pick out all of your supplies and materials at the same time. This will help to ensure that your new kitchen countertop not only looks nice, but that it also compliments the kitchen cabinets that you will have installed.

Perhaps, the most important thing to keep in mind, when choosing your new kitchen countertops is the cost.  Laminate countertops are often considered the most affordable of all countertops. Despite being the most affordable, they are often considered plain. If you are looking to not only change your kitchen around, but improve the appearance of it, you may be looking for something better.  A large number of homeowners choose to make their new kitchen countertops out of wood materials or marble. 

Although it is important to focus on the beauty and overall appearance of a countertop, it is also important to make sure that you can afford it.  If you are remodeling your entire kitchen, it may be a good idea to make a list of materials that you will need or wish to have, in addition to a budget.  If you mistakenly spend too much money on kitchen countertop materials, you may find it difficult to afford to remodel the rest of your kitchen.

While there is a chance that you may already know what type of new kitchen countertop you would like to have installed, there is also a chance that you may not.  If this is the case, you are advised to start shopping.  Whether you look for kitchen countertop materials online or in one of your local home improvement stores, there is a good chance that you will come across a wide selection of materials, all with different designs and styles.  Shopping or at least browsing is one of the best ways to get ideas.  In fact, doing your shopping and browsing at the place where you plan on buying your remodeling supplies from is a great way to get price estimates, which are essential when kitchen remodeling is being done a budget.  

Once you have decided which type of materials you would like to use for your kitchen countertops, whether they be a traditional green laminate color or a beautiful marble color, you will need to decide how your kitchen countertop will be installed. If you desire, you can seek assistance from a professional kitchen remodeling expert or a general contractor; however, you may want to do your own countertop installation. With a set of directions, you will find that it is relative easy to install your own kitchen countertop, even if you do not have any home improvement experience.  Many kitchen countertop materials come with directions, but if not, you could easily purchase a how-to book for a relatively affordable price.

Kitchen Remodeling: Should You Buy New Appliances?

Kitchen Remodeling: Should You Buy New Appliances?

Each year, thousands of American homeowners make the decision to remodel their homes.  One of the most common reasons for a kitchen remodeling project is change.  The average individual is likely to enter their kitchen, at least, eight times a day.  Unfortunately, overtime you may find that your kitchen no longer looks attractive or brings you excitement.  If this is how you feel about your kitchen, it may be time for a change.  That change can easily be accomplished with a kitchen remodeling project.

A kitchen remodeling project means different things to different individuals.  There are some homeowners who only like to change around one or two things, like their lighting fixtures and floor tiles, but there are others who want to change everything.  If you are really looking to make your kitchen like a whole new kitchen, you will probably want to do a large remodeling project.  A large remodeling project not only includes a large amount of work, but also a fairly large amount of time, but the end result is almost always more than worth it.

Despite the fact that a kitchen remodeling project is almost always worth it, you may still find yourself unpleased. One of the reasons for that is because of what we tend to view as a remodeling project.  We often associate kitchen remodeling with just kitchen fixtures, like flooring, lights, countertops, cabinets, and sinks.  As much as you change the fixtures or structures in your kitchen, you may still be reminded of your old kitchen, especially if you are using the same kitchen appliances. That is why it may also be a good idea to include replacing your kitchen appliances as part of your next kitchen remodeling project.

As previously mentioned, replacing your entire kitchen appliances may make it seem as if you are really getting a new kitchen. In addition to the change, you may also enjoy the new look, especially if your current kitchen appliances are quite old.  Over the past few years, kitchen appliances have changed quite a bit.  Whether you are looking to purchase a new dishwasher, refrigerator, toaster, oven, microwave, or blender, you will find that you, literally, have an unlimited number of appliances to choose from.  Almost all of the previously mentioned kitchen appliances come in more than one color; therefore, whatever color or design you are looking for, you should easily be able to find it.  Matching your new kitchen appliances to your new kitchen décor or theme, after the remodeling has been finished, is the best way to get the perfect kitchen.

Although there are a number of reasons why you should including buying new kitchen appliances as a part of your kitchen remodeling project, you may it expensive to do so.  If you are on a limited budget, it may be best to focus on the remodeling first.  New kitchen appliances can wait, but a new kitchen countertop may not be able to.  Once you have altered the overall design of your kitchen, you can then start worrying about new appliances.  If you are trying to save money, it may be a good idea to purchase one appliance at a time.  Even if it takes you a year to afford all of the new kitchen appliances that you wanted, you will get there aftertime, without having to go broke all at once.

As you can see, there are a number of different reasons why you should replace your old kitchen appliances when remodeling your kitchen.  Even though there are a number of benefits to doing so, you do not have to if you don’t want to.  The decision is completely yours to make.

Kitchen Remodeling:  Your Lighting Options

Kitchen remodeling; each year millions of homeowners do it.  Are you looking to become one of those homeowners?  Whether you are looking to remodel every square inch of your kitchen or just part of it, there is a decent chance that you may be in the market for new kitchen lights.  The lighting found in a kitchen has a significant impact on the room’s overall atmosphere.  That is why many homeowners, when remodeling their kitchens, make the decision to change their kitchen light fixtures.

If you are interested in replacing your kitchen lights, you will find that you, literally, have an unlimited number of different options.  Kitchen lights, as well as their fixtures, come in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles.  Honestly, there are some many different kitchen light fixtures to choose from, you may have a difficult time making up your mind. Despite having a difficult time making a decision, it is important that you do. As previously mentioned, the lighting in a room has a significant impact on the overall quality of that room, as well as how you may feel while inside of it. That is why it is important that you take time to research all of your choices, so that you can make the perfect selection.

One of the most popular types of lights for the kitchen are ceiling lights.  Ceiling lights are light fixtures that are attached right to the ceiling.  Although they are often known as the most traditional type of lighting for the kitchen, they can be anything but traditional. Whether you are shopping online or at one of your local retail stores, you should have access to hundreds of different light fixtures, many of which are ceiling lights.  The cost of a ceiling light will all depend on which style you choose, but, in most cases, you will find that ceiling lights are the most affordable of all kitchen lights.  If you are remodeling your kitchen on a budget, these types of lights may be best.

In addition to ceiling fans, hanging kitchen lights are quite popular.  Hanging kitchen lights comes in two main styles, chandeliers or pendants.  Pendant lighting fixtures are lights that hang down from the ceiling, often about a foot or more.  Chandelier lights are a usually a collection of hanging lights that are all grouped together.  When it comes to chandelier lights and pendant lights for the kitchen, you will often find that they are referred to as mini lights. This is because the larger size light fixtures are often too large to use in most standard kitchens.

In addition to the above mentioned kitchen light fixtures, you may also want to purchase lights that are known as under cabinet lights.  Under cabinet lights are ideal for those who are looking for a quick snack in the middle of the night.  If you are purchasing new kitchen cabinets, as part of your kitchen remodeling project, an under the cabinet light may be the perfect addition to your new cupboards.  

Whether you have decided that you would like to purchase a mini pendant light, a ceiling light, or a mini chandelier kitchen light, you will still need to choose the light that looks best in your kitchen. As previously mentioned, it may be a good idea to start shopping at one of your local home improvement stores, but if you are looking for a light fixture with a particular design, it may be best to shop online.

Kitchen Remodeling: Choosing Your New Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen Remodeling:  Choosing Your New Kitchen Cabinets

Are you tired of opening up the same kitchen cabinets, every single day?  Although many homeowners love their kitchens, including their kitchen cabinets, there are some who are looking for a change.  If you are one of those homeowners, the ones who are looking for a change, you may want to think about remodeling your kitchen, particularly your kitchen cabinets.

When it comes to kitchen remodeling, there is a common misconception that is mistakenly believed by many. That misconception is exactly what kitchen remodeling is. Many assume that to remodel a kitchen you need to change everything, from the light fixtures all the way down to the floor tiles. While a large number of homeowners do choose to remodel their whole kitchen, there are others who only choose to remodel small portions of it.  Whether you are looking to remodel your whole kitchen, all at once, or you if are only looking to remodel a part of it, there is a good chance that you may be in the market for new kitchen cabinets; they are one of the most commonly remodeled parts of a kitchen.

Although choosing a new set of kitchen cabinets may seem like a fairly easy task, it is one that you shouldn’t make on an impulse.  Since you will be stuck with these new kitchen cabinets, at least until you move or decide to remodel again, you will want to make sure that you get your first choice.  There are a number of different ways that you can do this. For the best results, you may want to visit your local home improvement store.  When visiting one of your local home improvement stores, you should find a collection of kitchen cabinets on display; in fact, you may find a fairly large number of them on display. Viewing each of these kitchen cabinets is a great way to decide which cabinets would look great installed in your kitchen.

In addition to visiting your local home improvement store, you may also want to examine kitchen cabinets online. Although the shipping for kitchen cabinets is often considered quite high, you may be able to find exactly what you were looking for online.  It is advised that you find either an online home improvement retailer or an individual who specializes in making their own kitchen cabinets.  In fact, if you are looking for a unique set of kitchen cabinets, a set that you cannot find anywhere else, you may be able to order a custom set of kitchen cabinets. The cost may be more than what you intended on paying, but, as previously mentioned, it is important to get what you want, especially when remodeling your kitchen.

When searching for the perfect set of kitchen cabinets, for your next kitchen remodeling project, it is important to keep a number of things in mind. One of those things is what you will be using your kitchen cabinets for.  What you are using your kitchen cabinets for may have an impact on what you can and cannot have.  For instance, if you will be using your kitchen cabinets to store your food or your dishes, you will need to make sure that you purchase cabinets that can offer you the most space. While decorative kitchen cabinets are nice, they are sometimes limited on the storage space that they have.

In addition to the size of the storage space, it is also important to examine the size of the kitchen cabinet itself.  In the United States, most home improvement stores sell kitchen cabinets that are not fully put together, but they are often precut to size. It may be possible to change the measurements, but you may find it to be difficult and costly to do so.  Although you may be more concerned about the color or design of a kitchen cabinet set, it is important to remember the basics.  Even the most beautiful kitchen cabinet set will not do you any good if it cannot be installed in your kitchen.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to go out and find the kitchen cabinet set that you were looking for.  Once you have found the kitchen cabinet set of your dreams, the remodeling can begin. Whether you choose to install your own kitchen cabinets or you let a professional do it for you, your cabinets could be installed in as little as a day or two.

Kitchen Remodeling Safety Tips You Need to Know

Are you a homeowner who is looking to start a kitchen remodeling project?  If so, are you doing that project by yourself?  While a large number of homeowners make the decision to hire a professional contractor, others do not.  Not only will you have control over your kitchen remodeling project, but doing your own remodeling may save you money. Although there are a number of benefits to remodeling your own kitchen, there are also a number of disadvantages.  One of those disadvantages is the risk of injury.

One of the many reasons why kitchen remodeling can be termed dangerous is because of the tools that are used. Whether you are replacing your kitchen lights, your kitchen cabinets, or your kitchen flooring, you will likely need to use a collection of tools; tools that may be unsafe if used improperly. That is why it is important that you know all of the tools that you will be using, including their dangers.  Although there is a good chance that you have used a box cutter or a saw before, there is also a chance that you haven’t. Before you start your kitchen remodeling project, it may be a good idea to practice with and familiarize yourself with the tools that you will be using. When it comes time to starting your remodeling, you should know how to safely use all of your tools; thus reducing your risk of injury.

It is also important that you know your own physical limits, when remodeling your kitchen.  Whether you are replacing your kitchen floor tiles, installing new kitchen cabinets, or installing a new kitchen countertop, you need to know how much is too much to lift.  Lifting too much weight may result in back injury; therefore, if you need assistance from someone, ask for it.  It is also advised that you keep your overall ability to work in mind.  Even if you are trying to get your kitchen remodeling project finished as soon as possible, it is advised that you do not push yourself. When you are tired and working, your safety is not only at risk, but the overall outcome of your project is also because more mistakes may be made.  If you need a break, even for an hour, take one.  

When remodeling your kitchen, it is also advised that you keep aware of your surroundings; this includes who else is in the kitchen.  If you are remodeling with a friend or a relative, it is a good idea to know where they are at all times.  This will help to prevent accidentally injuries.  It is also important to keep an eye on who may enter the kitchen when you are remodeling.  If you have children, it may be a good idea to block the entranceway to your kitchen. If you are unable to do so, you will always want to know if and when your children enter the remodeling area.  If you have young children, it is advised that you never leave your remodeling tools laying around, especially large, sharp tools.  

Perhaps, the best thing to keep in mind, when remodeling your kitchen, is to use your common sense.  Listening to your head or what your body is telling you, like when it signals that you may need a break, is the best way to stay safe when remodeling your kitchen. It is also, as previously mentioned, the best way to ensure that you produce quality work.

Kitchen Remodeling Books: Worth the Money?

Kitchen Remodeling Books: Worth the Money?

Each year, thousands, if not millions, of Americans make the decision to remodel their kitchens. Kitchen remodeling can include something as simple as replacing your kitchen sink, but it can also include something extravagant, such as changing around your whole kitchen, from the lights all the way down to your flooring. As nice as it is to have your kitchen remodeled, it can get fairly expensive. That is why a large number of homeowners make the decision to do their own remodeling.  When doing so, many turn to kitchen remodeling books for assistance, but are they really worth the money?

Before you can begin to determine whether or not kitchen remodeling books are really worth the money, it is important to examine exactly what they are. Kitchen remodeling books, also commonly referred to as kitchen remodeling how-to guides, are books that are designed to help readers know as much as they can about remodeling their kitchens.  It is not uncommon for a kitchen remodeling book to be filled with directions, including step-by-step pictures, lists of materials needed, as well as safety tips.  Kitchen remodeling books also come in a number of different formats. It is not uncommon to find a kitchen remodeling book that focuses on a number of kitchen remodeling projects or a book that just focuses on one project.

Now that you know what kitchen remodeling books or kitchen remodeling how-to guides are, you can begin to examine whether or not they are really worth the money.  Perhaps, the easiest way to do this is to determine what you need to learn how to do.  For instance, if you would only like to remodel your kitchen by replacing your kitchen countertops, it may be worthless to purchase a big kitchen remodeling book, one that focuses on a number of different remodeling projects. Your money may be better spent purchasing a kitchen remodeling book that has a specific focus on kitchen countertop installations.  When installing your new counters, or just about anything else for that matter, you will often find that there is more than one way to do something.  A detailed kitchen remodeling book, one that focuses on one project in particular, may help to give you more options.

When determining whether or not kitchen remodeling books are worth the money, it is also important to focus on what can be found inside them.  Many times, you will find that most kitchen remodeling books come with written directions, as well as step-by-step pictures. Although step-by-step pictures are nice, not all books have them.  If you need to see pictures of what you are doing, you will not want to waste your money on a kitchen remodeling how-to guide that does not include pictures.  Also if you are looking for directions on how to do a certain project, such as replacing your sink, you will want to make sure that the book you are about to purchase has exactly what you need. Unfortunately, too many homeowners mistakenly believe that a kitchen remodeling book has exactly what they need inside of it. That is why it is important that you know what you are buying.

The cost of a kitchen remodeling book will also have an impact on whether or not it is worth it.  Depending on where you shop, you should be able to find a collection of low-cost and affordable kitchen how-to guides. Kitchen remodeling how-to guides can be purchased online, from most book stores and home improvement stores.  You can easily find kitchen remodeling books that sell for as low as ten dollars and some that sell for as high as fifty.  What is nice about purchasing kitchen remodeling books is that you can decide what you want to buy, as well as how much you are willing to pay for it.

Since there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using kitchen remodeling books, you will need to make your own decision.  If you have little or no kitchen remodeling experience, you may find that a kitchen remodeling how-to guide is more than worth the money.

Kitchen Remodeling:  Choosing a New Kitchen Sink

Every day, millions of homeowners enter their kitchen.  Unfortunately, not all of those individuals like what they see.  If you are unhappy with the way that your kitchen looks, it may be time for a little remodeling project. Actually, it may even be time for a big remodeling project. When it comes to kitchen remodeling, you will find that, as a homeowner, you have an unlimited number of options.  If you choose to do so, you could remodel everything, right down to the kitchen sink.

Speaking of kitchen sinks, there is a good chance that you if you are unhappy with your kitchen, you may want to purchase and have a new kitchen sink installed. If that is the case, you will have to find one that peaks your interest.  When searching for a new kitchen sink, you are urged to check out one of your local home improvement stores.  There is a good chance that there is at least one kitchen sink that you may want to have.  Although there is a good chance that you may find the kitchen sink of your dreams at one of your local home improvement stores, there is also a chance that you may not.  If this is the case, you may want to think about shopping online.  

Regardless of where you shop, it is important that you keep a number of things in mind. Perhaps, the most important thing to keep in mind is the sink size that you need.  If you are simply replacing a kitchen sink, you may find it a little bit more difficult to find a kitchen sink.  This is because your kitchen counter already has a pre-sized space for a sink.  If you purchase a sink that is too big for that space or even too small for it, a small kitchen remodeling project may turn into a fairly large one.  That is why it is important that you take sink sizes into consideration.  However, if your kitchen remodeling project includes new kitchen cabinets and new countertops, you may not have to be as concerned with sink sizes.

In addition to the size of a kitchen sink, it is also important to consider the style.  The majority of kitchen sinks come with two basins, but it is also possible for them to only come with one.  When choosing a kitchen sink that only has one or two basins, you may want to examine your needs. If you do not have a dishwasher, you will need to wash your dishes in your kitchen sink.  When doing dishes, it may be easier if you have a two basin kitchen sink.  Although two basin kitchen sinks are more convenient, you will likely find that the one basin sinks are more trendy and, somewhat, more attractive.

Speaking of being attractive, the style of a kitchen sink not only includes how many basins it has, but it also includes the color.  While most kitchen sinks come in a stainless steel color, there are other kitchen sink colors. Other popular colors include white, granite, biscuit, and almond. In all honesty, the color of a new kitchen sink may be more important to you than whether it has one or two basins.  If you are also remodeling other parts of your kitchen, like the floors or your countertops, it may be a good idea to make sure that your new kitchen sink compliments your other repairs or at least matches them.

How and Why You Should Find Kitchen Remodeling Ideas Online

How and Why You Should Find Kitchen Remodeling Ideas Online

Are you a homeowner who wishes that there were something different about your kitchen? Although most homeowners love their homes, including their kitchens, it is relatively easy to get bored of something, especially a room that you visit multiple times a day.  If you are looking for a change, particularly with your kitchen, you may want to think about remodeling your kitchen.  A kitchen remodeling project may be just what you and your kitchen needs.

Kitchen remodeling; sounds fun doesn’t it?  If the idea of remodeling your kitchen sounds exciting, there is a chance that you may want to get started right away.  Of course, you can start remodeling your kitchen whenever you want, but first you must develop a plan. That plan should not only include what particular parts of your kitchen you would like changed, but also how you want them changed.  For instance, if you are making the decision to replace your old kitchen cabinets and countertops with new ones, you need to choose a new set.  In fact, you must choose a new set before you start your project; otherwise, you could be left with a mess.  The only problem is that many homeowners, just like you, have a difficult time determining exactly what they want.

If you have decided that you would like to have your kitchen remodeled, but you don’t exactly know to the full extent how yet, you may want to seek assistance.  If you are looking for professional assistance, you may want to think about acquiring the services of a professional decorator.  Professional decorators are individuals who have not only had training, but they also have experience in the art of decorating.  A professional decorator could not only advise you to replace your kitchen floor, but they could also offer you suggestions on what your flooring replacement should be.  The only problem with this is that professional decorators charge money for their services; therefore, if you are looking to remodel your kitchen on a budget, you may find hiring the services of a professional decorator difficult or even impossible; however, there is an alternative.

If you are looking for kitchen remodeling ideas, such as the latest trends in kitchen countertops and so on, you are advised to use the internet. Perhaps, what is best about the internet is that it is free and the information is about the same as the information that a professional decorator would have provided with you.  In addition to being free, the internet is quick and easy to use.  This means that you don’t have to wait until you get paid or wait until an appointment becomes available; you could easily familiarize yourself with the latest trends is kitchen remodeling, whenever you want.

Perhaps, the best way to use the internet is to perform a standard internet search.  The internet search used should depend on what you are looking for.  For instance, if you are looking for kitchen countertop ideas, performing a search with the words kitchen countertops may be best.  You may be diverted to a website that offers free kitchen decorating or remodeling ideas, but you will likely be directed to an online website that sells kitchen countertops.  These types of online websites are most commonly the websites of online home improvement stores.  Professional home improvement stores will not just show you their products, but they will likely have online picture displays, just like the displays that you can find in most stores.  These picture displays may help to give you remodeling ideas, such as which kitchen countertops would look good in your kitchen and which ones would not.

If you do not want to shop or examine kitchen remodeling products and designs ideas online, you could also visit one or more of your local home improvement stores.  Most large home improvement stores sell the products, supplies, and materials that are the most popular; therefore, even if you are looking to have a trendy kitchen, you could get remodeling and decorating ideas by visiting your local home improvement store, but as previously mentioned, the internet is a lot easier and a lot quicker way.

How and Why You Should Find Kitchen Remodeling Instructions Online

Have you recently made the decisions to remodel your own kitchen?  Do it yourself kitchen remodeling has rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years. One of the reasons for that is because of the internet.  Online, you can not only find the materials, supplies, and tools that you need to remodel your kitchen, but you can also find detailed instructions on how to remodel your kitchen, whether it be all of it or just a part of it. For that reason, if you are looking to remodel your own kitchen, it may be a good idea to take advantage of the internet.  

One of the many reasons why you should use the internet, to obtain a detailed set of directions on how to remodel your kitchen, is because it is free to use.  When purchasing materials at your local home improvement store, you may not be provided with a set of directions.  While many kitchen cabinets sets come with a set of directions, not everything else does.  If you are purchasing a set of something, such as cabinets, you are more likely to get a set of directions than you were if you were just purchasing supplies. For instance, if you are interested in retiling your kitchen floor or installing new lighting in your kitchen, you may need to find directions elsewhere.  It is always possible to purchase how-to books, but why would you want to, especially when you can get the same information for free online?

In addition to being free, you will also find the amount of information amazing.  As previously mentioned, whether you are looking to remodeling your entire kitchen or just a part of it, you can easily find the directions or instructions that you were looking for online.  For example, online, you should be able to find instructions on how to reinstall a kitchen countertop, install a set of kitchen cabinets, replace your kitchen flooring, as well as install new light fixtures. Essentially, whatever you are looking to do, you can find a detailed set of instructions online. You may also enjoy the fact that many of these directions comes with step-by-step drawings or pictures.  

Now that you know why you should find kitchen remodeling instructions online, you may be wondering how you can do so.  Online, there are, literally, an unlimited number of websites that offer you information, as well as instructions for most kitchen remodeling projects. One of those websites is likely to be a home improvement store. If you know the online website of one of your local home improvement stores, you are advised to visit it and look around. In addition to finding a detailed set of directions on how to remodel a particular part of your kitchen, such as your sink, you may also find the products, supplies, and tools that you may need or want to have.

If you are unable to find one of your local home improvement store’s online websites or if they did not have the information that you were looking for, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. That search should produce a number of results; results that you may have been hoping for.  When using an internet search, to find kitchen remodeling instructions, it is best to tailor your search to exactly what you need. For instance, if you are looking for instructions on how to install a marble kitchen countertop, you may want to search using the words marble kitchen countertop installation. As previously mentioned, countertop installations instructions are just one of the many sets of kitchen remodeling instructions that you can find online.

In addition to being free and full of information, the internet is also easy to use. That is why you are advised to get the information that you need, as well as instructions, for you next kitchen remodeling project online. Why guess or pay may money for a how-to book, when you can get exactly what you need free, with the click of a mouse?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Importance of Understanding All International Air Travel Rules

The Importance of Understanding All International Air Travel Rules

Are you planning on attending a business meeting or taking a vacation out of the country?  If so, you will need to book a seat on an international flight.  Have you ever been on an international flight before?  If not, there are a number of factors that you should first consider, such as the international air travel rules.  In fact, it is not only recommended that you do, it is required that you do.  Not knowing all of the international air travel rules could land you in a boatload of trouble.

When it comes to air travel rules, many travelers, maybe even you, automatically think of being in-flight. While there are in-flight travel rules that you must abide by, there are also other rules. These other rules are ones that apply in all airports, including international airports. Since you will arrive at the airport first, before actually boarding your airplane, it is advised that you first familiarize yourself with these common air travel rules.

As previously mentioned, there are a number of airport rules that exist in all airports, regardless of whether those airports are international airports or domestic airports. These rules commonly include a list of prohibited items, the screening of all baggage, the removal of your shoes, and the screening of passengers. In addition to these airport travel rules, which can be found in almost all airports in the United States, there are some air travel rules that only apply to international airports.

The number one rule that you must abide by at an international airport is identifying who you are.  Since airline officials and airport security cannot guarantee that you are who you claim to be, you will need to show proof of identification. Depending on where you are traveling to, this identification may need to be more than a simple government issued identification card or driver’s license.  In fact, you may also need to supply your birth certificate, a passport, a visa, or a certificate of citizenship. For additional information on which proofs of identification are required, you are advised to contact the international airport or airline that you will be using.

Once you have made it though all of the international airport security checkpoints, you should be able to begin boarding your plane.  When boarding your airplane, you are advised to do it in a calm, but timely matter.  As soon as your airplane is in the air, you need to follow all instructions given by the pilot or flight attendants. This includes staying in your seat until it is safe to get up.  In the event that you refuse to cooperate with the airline staff, you may be putting yourself and other passengers in danger.

While it is important to understand all international air travel rules, there are many travelers who are unsure why those rules are so important.  They are important not only for your safety and well being, but for the safety and well being of others.  Although it may seem ridiculous at the time, but if you refuse to stay in your seat or you are caught arguing with airport security, you will find that you are automatically labeled a terror suspect. This is largely due in part to the fear of another terrorist attack.  Once this happens it is often difficult or impossible to go back to normal.

In the event that you violate international airport security rules, intentionally or not, it is likely that you will be pulled aside. Depending of the rule that you violated, you may only receive a warning, but you could also receive much more. Should you be labeled as a suspicious traveler, you may be detained by airport security or local authorities for an undetermined amount of time.  The same can be said for international air travel rule violations in the air.  Once your airplane is able to land, often at the nearest available airport, you will be held for questioning.

What will happen after questioning will all depend on your actions and the preferences of local authorities or airport security.  Since you can never guarantee the outcome of your actions, it is important that you stay on your best behavior when at an international airport or aboard an international flight.

The Importance of Staying Calm on International Flights

Each day, a large number of American citizens hit the sky.  While many are only traveling from one state to another, there are some who are traveling from one country to another. If you are one of those individuals, you may be nervous, rightfully so.  If you are a first-time flyer or if you have a problem with flying in general, it is advised that you learn to calm your nerves as much as possible. Although it may seem impossible to do, there are a number of benefits to doing so, namely for your own safety.

Unfortunately, in today’s society it seems as if air travel has gotten a little bit out of control.  Airport security, airline personnel, as well as other passengers, are all concerned with their safety. While it is important to be concerned with your safety and the safety of others, it is seem as if what it takes to make everyone feel unsafe has also gotten a little bit out of control. If you are on an airplane, especially on an international flight, and someone carelessly mentioned the word bomb, your flight would probably land at the nearest airport. The same can be said for uncooperative passengers. That is why it is extremely important that you remain calm, aboard an airplane, at all times.

Many travelers are nervous about flying, all on its own, however, others display a wide array of emotions for other reasons. One of those reasons is dissatisfaction.  On international flights, like all other flights, you will find that your actions are limited in the air. There are only certain times when you can remove your seatbelts, use the bathroom, or use your electronic equipment. If these times do not meet with your schedule, you are advised to just deal with it. Becoming upset or hysterical will not accomplish anything for you; expect for maybe a date with local authorities at your next stop.

One of the number one reasons why trouble begins on a plane, even if is innocent enough as being scared to fly, is because travelers do not know the consequences of their actions. A nervous, jittery, or confrontational passenger is what flight attendants are taught to look for. Although you may not be a terrorist, you may be displaying noticeable symptoms. In the event that this does happen, your plane will likely be rerouted, where you and other passengers will be met with airport security or local authorities.  Depending on what your actions involved, you may be charged with disorderly conduct or something similar. Essentially, this means that it is extremely important that you remain calm at all times.

In addition to remaining calm aboard an international flight, it is also advised that you remain calm at the airport. All international airports are on high alert. This means that they will not only be looking for prohibited items, but suspicious travelers as well.  If you are nervous about flying, you need to think of something enjoyable; it may help to calm your nerves. If you are asked to do something by airport security, such as step aside, you are advised to do so. If you do not, it is likely that a confrontation could brew.  Starting a confrontation in airport is just as serious as starting one in the air.  In fact, you will likely be met with the same consequences, as mentioned above.

Although it is important to know what could happen to you if you fail to remain clam in an international airport or aboard an international flight, is it is also important to work on ways to stay calm.  Whether it involves thinking happy thoughts, bringing along headphones, or by taking long deep breaths, it is advised that you develop multiple ways to keep yourself calm and level headed.  If you fail to do so, you may regret your decision to fly for the rest of your life and that is something that shouldn’t have to happen.