Wednesday, July 26, 2017

American Inventions

American Inventions

The history of how America emerged as the premier superpower in the world is about more than just a great military or a homeland so rich in natural resources that we were able to become the breadbasket of the world.  There are many forces that combined in the American experiment that has made this country so great.  One of those great forces is the phenomenal inventive minds that have graced America virtually since its inception.  Starting with the powerful mind of Benjamin Franklin, the history of inventions that started in America and transformed the world is lengthy indeed.

The computer has become so much a part of our lives that we forget that it was once invented.  The history of the development of this “futuristic” device is long and filled with genius.  The actual first prototypes of the computer were developed by the Defense Department, which is oddly the source of a lot of the great innovations in American history.  But it was the early PC developers including Steve Wozniac, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates that took the computer to the level of familiarity we know it to be now and made computers a part of our everyday lives.

Most world changing inventions have a profoundly positive influence on mankind’s quality of life.  But an invention that did not improve life but destroyed it is also an American invention that changed the world.  That invention, of course, is the Atomic Bomb.  Developed by the fabled “Manhattan Project”, this bomb changed everything about war, diplomacy and the way nations relate to one another.  And to find a positive amongst all the death the bombings in Japan brought about, that bomb may be one of the key elements that brought an end to a horrific war, World War II.  And in the long run, that is a conflict that the world breathed a sigh of relief when it came to an end.

There is a joke that makes its rounds frequently during political jesting that “Al Gore invented the internet.”  If he had invented it, he would be a world changing inventor for sure.  But it is not out of line to declare that America invented the internet.  Again, the original primitive retypes for what became our modern internet was the work of the American Defense Department as a measure to insure that America’s computer security was guarded by decentralizing the network.  From this simple goal, the vast World Wild Web has emerged that has transformed everything about how we look at communication, information and knowledge.  We have American ingenuity to thank for that.

But of the thousands of American inventions that have done so much in the fields of medicine, technology, research and communications, none can compare to an invention by a brilliant thinker by the name of Henry Ford.  That invention, obviously, is the automobile.  Just like with some of the other inventions we have talked about, we can hardly imagine a time where there was no such thing as an automobile.

Mr. Ford’s amazing invention literally transformed society not just in America but around the world.  From it came the freeway system and an overhaul to how cities and towns are organized and linked together.  And while there are downsides to the widespread use of automobiles, it has been a huge leap forward for America and civilization as a whole.  And Mr. Ford, like any of the inventors we have talked about and thousands we have not, would see the betterment of mankind as their greatest calling.  America has hosted this great calling for centuries and will continue to produce brilliant inventors such as these for a long time to come.

Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes when a country is just getting organized, its citizens are considered to be uneducated, out of touch or primitive.  But exactly opposite was the truth when the great American experiment began to take shape.  The world did not see America as provincial or simple and that is due to a large part to the work of the man many that many have called “The First American”.  That man was Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin stands out amongst those we would call “The Founding Fathers” because he was neither a military man nor a politician.  He was one of the few we think of a one of our nation’s fathers that never served as president.  But that does not mean that his contributions to the start of this great country were not profound and far reaching.

Benjamin Franklin could easily be described as what was popularly known in his day as a “renaissance man”.  He was truly proficient in many fields of discipline and he had a mind that was fascinated with all areas of study and knowledge.  As such he brought to the discussions with his fellow founding fathers a knowledge of political theory, an awareness of history and an ability to speculate on the perfect union that was crucial to the laying the conceptual foundation of what America would come to be when it blossomed into reality.

For many, we remember Benjamin Franklin as a great scientist and inventor.  And to be sure he qualified in that realm as well.  Every school boy or girl has that image of him flying that kite to capture electricity to test his theories that is so popular in our mythology of his accomplishments.  But these images are no myth for Franklin was truly a great inventor contributing to the world such important innovations as the lightning rod, swim fins, the catheter, the harmonica and bifocals.  In that way, Benjamin Franklin had as much in common with Michelangelo as he did with Thomas Jefferson and indeed he was in good company if listed with either.

But it was a political theorist and a philosopher that Franklin made huge contributions to the development of the American experiment in its early formations.  It was he who was able to envision the concept of a new American nation.  But his talents did not end at his ability to use his powerful mind to envision the future so well.  He was also a talented communicator, writer and teacher so he was able to use his eloquence and magnetic personality to promote the idea of an American nation both within the colonies and internationally.

Benjamin Franklin was truly a citizen of the world as he was as comfortable in the courtyards of France as he was in the pubs of Boston.  In fact, he was so popular on both sides of the Atlantic that he served as America’s first ambassador to France and therein lies one of his greatest contributions to the independence of the new country.  He was able to use his vast popularity and his trained powers of persuasion to cause the French to enter the battle on the side of the colonies against the British which was a major contributor to the success of the revolution to free America from English control and launch the independent American nation.
Franklin’s writings have become treasured documents among the archives of this important time in American history.  But just as much as his written work, his influence as a thinker, an intellectual and an international diplomat set the standard for others to follow after him and truly established America as a member of the international community of nations.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

We would like to think all of our presidents of the United States were truly great men and to be sure, just handling the awesome responsibility of the presidency takes a special kind of individual.  One of the unique and great things about the system of government in America is the concept of citizen leadership.  This is the idea of an ordinary citizen rising up and becoming president for a while and then returning to private life.

But of the handful of men who have held that office, a few have stood out for their great achievements and leadership in a time that changed the country for ever.  And one of these truly great presidents was Abraham Lincoln.  Probably more than any other president, Lincoln had to handle an internal civil war that was far more than shouting and name calling.  This was a dispute that could have torn the country in half and starting a rupturing that could have resulted in dozens of small weak independent states instead of the powerful nation we know as America today.

It was Lincoln’s leadership, his commitment to values and his strong moral fiber that made it possible for America to find its way through that war and then to begin the healing process that would eventually lead the nation back to unity once again.  Lincoln’s term of service from 1860 until his death was one of considerable challenge.  If he only had the problem of dealing with the attempt by the south to succeed from the union and his ability to keep those states as part of the American national territory, he would be lauded as a great American indeed.

One of the little known leadership styles that Lincoln used to his advantage in the organization of his presidency was his appointment of talented national figures from opposing political parties to be part of his cabinet.  Lincoln felt that he needed to have close advisors from the opposing viewpoint to keep from having his presidency become insulated from the American people and one sided.  By gathering members of the “loyal opposition” into his trusted inner circle, Lincoln was always aware of both sides of every issue which made him a stronger leader.

But that is not even his greatest accomplishment or the one that we remember him for the most.  His bold and unchanging opposition to slavery is without any doubt his greatest contribution to the history of America and indeed to world history as well.  When he was willing to put everything on the line to stop this barbaric social sin, Lincoln made a stand, against the popular opinion of the time in many cases that he would be the figure to bring slavery to an end.

It was not a stand that came without cost.  The civil war was one of the bloodiest and costliest in the nation’s history if for no other reason than all casualties; on both sides were casualties of America.  It would take many decades for the ravages of that horrible war to be repaired.  The schism between north and south continued for decades and is still a part of our national personality in this country.

But the end result was what Lincoln wanted to be his legacy.  By issuing the Emancipation Proclamation to make the end of slavery permanent, Lincoln followed that up with the passing of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments which made permanent the freedoms that were hard fought and won in the Civil War.

The freedom that was won for so many black Americans in that war permanently enshrined the memory of Abraham Lincoln as one of our greatest presidents in the hearts and minds of all Americans.  Small wonder the monument honoring him on Washington’s national mall is one of the most revered spots in the nation and one that thousands flock to each year to give respect for this great president that made liberty and freedom a reality for all Americans, not just a few.  And his face on Mount Rushmore is well deserved so the very mountain itself shouts out, this is one of the greatest leaders in the history of this great country.

America Conquers the Air

If you ask any student even in elementary school why the town of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is significant to American history, they will know the answer immediately.  They will know that this was the place that Orville and Wilber Wright made the first working airplane and discovered that man could fly.  

Today, with thousands of airplanes taking to the sky at any given moment and the experience of flying high above the earth as common as riding a bicycle, it seems that a world where men did not fly is as far away as the ancient Romans.  But we have to travel in time back to the days before the Wright brothers made their phenomenal discovery and the invention of the first aircraft when there was a time when it was firmly believed that man would never fly like a bird and indeed, man was meant to never fly but always be a terrestrial being.  We can be grateful that the Wright brothers did not hold to that belief.

The date of that first successful flight was December 17, 1903.  It was on that fateful day that Orville and Wilber successfully flew the first controlled, powered, heavier than air airplane.  This break through ranks as one of the greatest inventions of American history and in truth, one of the great inventions of all time as man had been dreaming of being able to fly as far back as we have primitive drawings illustrating that dream.

The Wright brothers were well suited to go through the tedious research to finally create a machine that could accomplish this feat.  We all know that great inventions are often the results of hundreds or thousands of failures and tests by which the inventor refines his ideas and makes new discoveries that take him step by step toward that final break through.  That was certainly true of the Wright brothers.

Our reference to flight becoming as common as riding a bicycle is well chosen because it was the Wright brothers vocation as mechanics repairing printing presses, motors and bicycles that gave them the knowledge of the inner workings of such machines that was needed to create a machine that could sustain flight.  Their work to perfect the design of the common bicycle lead them to believe that conquering flight was not a question of providing sufficient power to the aircraft as it was providing mechanisms of control and balance to properly keep the aircraft steady with sufficient consistency that it could take to the air.

Long before that first successful flight, the Wright brothers conducted their research.  Using their bicycle shop as a makeshift laboratory, they first experimented with gliders and unmanned aircraft to refine their theories and their designs.  But finally on December 17, 1903, they achieved their dream of manned flight, even if only for a short time.  Orville Wright’s account of that first flight is scientific and understated.

"Wilbur started the fourth and last flight at just about 12 o'clock.  The first few hundred feet were up and down, as before, but by the time three hundred feet had been covered, the machine was under much better control.  The course for the next four or five hundred feet had but little undulation.  However, when out about eight hundred feet the machine began pitching again, and, in one of its darts downward, struck the ground.  The distance over the ground was measured to be 852 feet; the time of the flight was 59 seconds.”

Little did the Wright brothers know that an entire new industry would be built around these simple experiments.  Moreover, they had achieved a dream man had dreamed for centuries, to actually be able to fly above the ground and come back safely.  It is truly one of the great accomplishments of American history.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Pool Accessories: Where You Can Buy Them

Pool Accessories:  Where You Can Buy Them

Millions of Americans have a swimming pool in their backyard.  Are you one of those individuals?  Even if you are not, it is possible that you have considered getting a swimming pool.  Whether you already own a swimming pool or you are interested in purchasing one, you will have to consider a number of different factors.  One of those factors includes pool accessories.

When it comes to pool accessories, there are many individuals who are unsure exactly what they are.  The truth is that there are a wide variety of different types of pool accessories.  Pool accessories may include, but should not be limited to, toys, lifesaving devices, cleaning equipment, and traditional pool hardware.  Once you have made the decision to have a pool installed in your backyard, you will have to obtain a number of these accessories.

One of the most common questioned asked, concerning pool accessories, is where can they be purchased from.  You will find that pool accessories are available for sale at a number of different storefront retail locations and online.  The best way to find your needed pool accessories, but for a reasonable price, is to examine the specific accessory that you are looking to purchase. This may help to ensure that you are looking in all of the right places.

As previously mentioned, pool toys are often considered pool accessories.  These types of accessories can be purchased from a number of different locations.  Pool toys can be purchased from most traditional retail stores, including department stores, dollar stores, discount stores, and pool supply stores.  Many of the toys sold in traditional retail stores are considered generic items.  If you are looking for pool toys with a specific theme, such as a popular cartoon character, you may want to consider shopping online.  With a simple internet search, you can easily find a number of online retailers that offer a wide selection of pool toys.

Lifesaving devices are another must have pool accessory for many families.  These devices may include lifejackets, arm floaties, or other similar products.  As with most other pool accessories, life saving devices can be purchased online or from traditional retail stores. Due to their costs, many discount stores or dollar stores do not carry this type of merchandise. Therefore, if you are unable to shop online, you may have to examine the selection at your local department store or pool supply store.

Traditional pool hardware is often defined as items such as water pumps, steps, and filters.  Nowadays, many pools are being sold and installed with these accessories; however, you may still need to purchase them.  A small number of department stores carry these important hardware items, but not all do.  If your local department store does not have the pool items that you are looking for, you will want to examine your local pool supply store or consider shopping online.

While most of the hardware needed for your pool, such as pumps and filters, may be included in the original price of your pool, it is most likely that cleaning supplies will not be. Depending on the type of pool you have or how much you use it, you may be required to clean it on a regular basis.  Whether you are looking for manual cleaning supplies or automatic pool cleaners, you can easily find what you are looking for in a number of different locations.  A large number of department stores, pool supply stores, and online retailers will carry the cleaning supplies that you may need.

As you can see, it pretty much all depends on what type of pool accessory you are looking to purchase.  If you need to purchase a wide variety of different items, such as toys, lifesaving devices, cleaning supplies, or pool hardware, you may end up making purchases at multiple locations.  That is unless you make the decision to shop online.  Whether you make the decision to shop online or at one of your local retail stores, it is almost guaranteed that you will be able to find what you are looking for, at one place or another.

In-Ground Pools:  Your Cleaning Options

In-ground pools are one of the most popular pool styles in the United States.  If given the opportunity, many homeowners would prefer to have an in-ground pool, rather than an aboveground pool. One of the many reasons why in-ground pools are preferred over aboveground pools is because of their appearance. In-ground pools are more attractive than pools that stick out of the ground.  If the appearance of your pool is important, you will want to keep your pool cleaned. 

To keep your in-ground pool clean, you will have to obtain the proper cleaning supplies and equipment.  If you have yet to purchase cleaning supplies for your pool, you may be unsure as to which type of cleaning supplies are best for your pool. Instead of just guessing, you are advised to familiarize yourself with all of the in-ground pool cleaning supplies that are currently available for sale.

When it comes to familiarizing yourself with in-ground pool cleaning supplies and equipment, you will have a number of different options.  Perhaps, one of the easiest ways to learn about well performing cleaning equipment and supplies is to speak to those that you know.  If you live in a warm area, it is likely that one of your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives has a pool. If so, you may want to ask them about the cleaning supplies or equipment that they use. If you receive positive feedback or product recommendations, you may want to consider further examining those products.

In addition to speaking to your friends, relatives, coworkers, or neighbors, you can also use the internet to familiarize yourself with in-ground pool cleaning supplies. In addition to visiting the online websites of multiple product manufacturers and pool supply stores, you may also want to look for online resources guides. There are a large number of online websites and resource guides that are aimed at assisting those with in-ground pools.  On these websites, you should be able to learn more about the cleaning supplies that are currently on the market. You may also be able to read product recommendations or warning from other pool owners.

Whichever search method you select, it is likely that you will hear of automatic pool cleaners and manual pool cleaners.  If you are looking to save time, you may want to examine automatic pool cleaners.  If you are looking for low-cost cleaning supplies or equipment, you may want to examine manual cleaners.  Before making a final decision, as to which type of pool cleaner you would like to purchase, you are advised to examine the advantages and disadvantages of each product.

As mentioned above, automatic pool cleaners are popular because they save time.  In most cases, automatic pool cleaners work without your assistance.  For instance, if you are using chemicals to clean your pool, automatic cleaners would require that you just pour the chemicals into your pool. If you were looking for cleaning equipment, such as a pool vacuum, many vacuums only require that you turn them on and then the vacuum will do the rest.  However, it is important to be on the lookout for automatic pool vacuums that may require your assistance to operate.
As previously mentioned, manual pool cleaners and cleaning supplies are ideal for those who are looking to save money. In most on and offline retail stores, you will find that manual cleaners and cleaning supplies cost less than those that are automatic. While it may take time to manually clean your in-ground pool, you can also make sure that it is done right, the first time.  

In addition to either purchasing manual cleaning supplies or automatic ones, you may want to consider purchasing both. In the event that your automatic cleaner does not work, you will have an extra alternative and visa versa.  Having a backup plan, when it comes to cleaning your in-ground pool, is the best way to ensure that you can swim anytime you want.

Pool Alarms: More than Just a Pool Accessory

Pool Alarms:  More than Just a Pool Accessory

Throughout the United States, there are a large number of storefront retail locations and online retail stores that sell pool accessories.  Many of these pool accessories can be considered fun, but others can literally be lifesaving.  If you are a pool owner, regardless of whether or not you have children, you may want to consider purchasing a pool alarm.

One common misconception, when it comes to pool alarms, is who should have them. There are many individuals who mistakenly believe that pool alarms are only necessary for households with small children. While, families with small children may benefit the most from a pool alarm, they are not the only ones who may.  Even if you do not have children, you may want to at least consider purchasing yourself a pool alarm. Not only could that alarm help to protect guests, but it could also protect children that just wander into your yard.

As with most other pool accessories, you will find that pool alarms come in a wide variety of different styles. Despite the different styles, all pool alarms have the same goal. That goal is to keep young, unattended children away from a swimming pool.  In the event that they do make it near a pool, the pool alarm will alert you, and other adults, right away. This is why pool alarms are not just a pool accessory, but a lifesaving device.

If you are interested in purchasing an alarm for your pool, you will have to decide on an alarm style. By visiting your local pool supply store or by reviewing the available merchandise online, you should be able to familiarize yourself with the pool alarms that are currently on the market.  In your search, it is likely that you will find underwater pool alarms, above water pool alarms, or gate alarms.

In a way, gate alarms are the most popular of all pool alarms. While the alarms are not actually installed in or around your pool, they are still considered pool alarms.  This is because the alarm is positioned on the gate of your pool fence. Depending on the model you purchase, most gate alarms will sound when someone passes through the gate unnoticed or if the gate door was accidentally left open.  In a way, gate alarms are the most effective pool alarms on the market.  By properly installing and using a pool gate alarm, your child may never even make it to the pool.

As popular as pool gate alarms are, not everyone can use them.  If you do not have a fence installed along the exterior of your pool, you will want to examine other alarm types. One of these types may include a surface alarm, otherwise known as an above water alarm.  An above water pool alarm is designed to sound when someone comes too close to the pool.  Many of these alarms come with a preset barrier. That barrier may only be a foot, but it may also be up to four.  Above water alarms, or surface alarms, are ideal because they can alert you before your child actually makes it into the water.

The only problem that you may find with above water alarms, or surface alarms, is that they tend to be easily setoff, especially if your pool area is not gated in. Whether the wind blows debris past the alarm or an animal enters the area, it is likely that the alarm will sound.  If you are looking for pool alarm that is less likely to produce error, you may want to consider purchasing an underwater pool alarm.

Underwater pool alarms are similar to surface alarms.  Instead of detecting motion on the exterior of the pool, they detect motion in the interior. This means that if your pool alarm is set, you will be notified whenever something enters the water. Therefore, if your child happens to fall into the pool, your pool alarm will automatically sound; thus allowing you to rescue them.

As much as we would like to be able to keep an eye on our children all the time, that is something that is just not possible. In a single instant, your child could be out of the house and underwater, unable to swim. For a reasonable price, a pool alarm could prevent you from having to make that horrible discovery.  

Pool Accessory Buying Guide:  What to Consider and Where to Shop

If you are interested in purchasing a pool, you are not alone. Each year, thousands of homeowners make the decision to purchase a swimming pool. Many of these swimming pools are in-ground pools, while others are aboveground pools. Regardless of which type of pool you are interested in purchasing, there is one thing that you should keep in mind. It is often difficult or impossible to purchase just a pool. In addition to a pool, you may need to purchase additional pool accessories or supplies. 

When it comes to purchasing pool accessories and pool supplies, there are many individuals who are unsure exactly what they are, let alone where to buy them.  If you are about to buy a swimming pool, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the most popular and most needed pool accessories and supplies. Even if you do not plan on purchasing anything right away, you are still advised to consider what is available for your pool. Familiarizing yourself with all of your available options is a great way to not only find quality pool supplies, but find affordable ones.

Perhaps, one of the first things that you should think about purchasing for your new pool is cleaning supplies. In most cases, cleaning supplies will not be included in the cost of your pool. This means that you will need to purchase your own. Whether you purchase your swimming pool from an online retailer or a local pool supply store, you may what to consider purchasing your cleaning supplies and equipment at the same time. This will help to ensure that you do not forget these important items.  

When purchasing a swimming pool, it is important that you examine all of the fixtures that are included in your package. Most swimming pool packages will include steps, for in-ground pools, or ladders, for both types of pools. Despite the fact that these fixtures are often included; it is still advised that you check before making your final purchase. In the event that these items are not included, you will want to consider purchasing them right away. Depending on the type of pool you have, you may be unable to go swimming without a way to get in or out of your pool. 

Pool fixtures and cleaning supplies are the pool accessories that you should be the most concerned with. Once you have those items covered, you can begin to think about other accessories. These accessories, may include, but should not be limited to, pool toys, pool furniture, and other fixtures.  When purchasing these items, it is important to remember that they are optional. While you may enjoy having floatable furniture or fun pool toys, they are not required.

If you are interested in purchasing pool toys, you will find that you have an unlimited number of different options.  Pool toys come in a wide variety of different sizes, shapes, styles, and designs. By shopping online or by visiting your local retail store, you should be able to find a large selection of pool toys. These toys may include, but should not be limited to, arm floaties, swim rings, baby floats, beach balls, dive rings, and other floatable toys. 

While shopping for swim toys, you may also want to examine pool furniture.  This furniture may include, but should not be limited to, traditional floating chairs, floating lounge chairs, or floating rafts.  While pool furniture may be a little bit more expensive than most traditional pool toys, you should be able to purchase them from the same locations. Many retailers, both online and offline, will carry a selection of floatable pool furniture.  By purchasing your pool toys and pool furniture together you may not only be able to save time, but money as well.

The above mentioned pool supplies and accessories are just a few of the many items that can you can purchase for your in-ground or aboveground pool. For additional products ideas, you may want to visit your local pool supply store or visit the online website of a well-known retailer.

Popular Pool Accessories for Toddlers

Popular Pool Accessories for Toddlers

Swimming pools are a great way to cool off.  During hot weather, individuals of all ages go for a swim, including toddlers.  While pool safety is always a concern, it is even more important when toddlers are involved.  This is because most toddlers do not know how to swim. Just because a toddler does not know how to swim, it does not mean that they can’t enjoy the pool, like everyone else. However, extra precautions should be taken to ensure their safety. Those extra precautions may involve the use of pool accessories.

If you are a pool owner, it is likely that you know that pool accessories include a wide variety of different items. These items may include, but should not be limited to, pool fixtures, cleaning supplies, pool toys, and lifesaving devices.  If you are the parent of a toddler, or if a toddler is planning on using your swimming pool, you may want to equip yourself with some of the most popular pool accessories, especially those that are designed with toddlers in mind.

Since pool safety is a major concern, when it comes to toddlers and other small children, you may want to consider purchasing some accessories that are also known as lifesaving devices. These items may include arm floaties and lifejackets.  Arm floaties are safety devices that go on a child’s arm.  Many young children use them.  In fact, they enable a child, who would otherwise not know how to swim, to stay afloat.  Lifejackets have a similar purpose, expect they attach on to a child like a piece of clothing.

In addition to lifesaving devices, such as arm floaties or lifejackets, you may also want to consider purchasing pool toys. As with most pool accessories, pool toys include a wide variety of different items. These items may include, but should not be limited to kickboards, swim rings, baby floats, and beach balls. If you are looking for entertaining toys, you may want to consider purchasing a beach ball or smaller toys that float on the water, such as fishes.  Many small children, including toddlers, find these toys to be entertaining.

As previously mentioned, swim toys may also include kickboards, baby floats, and swim rings.  While these popular pool accessories are considered toys, they may also assist those that are unable to swim on their own. Swim rings are ideal for toddlers who may have some swimming knowledge. They can also be used in conjunction with arm floaties or a small life jacket. For smaller children, such as small toddlers or infants, a baby float may be ideal. Baby floats, unlike traditional swim rings, often have leg holes and they are specially shaped for stability.

While pool toys and lifesaving devices are the most popular pool accessories for toddlers, they are not the only ones. Whether you are looking for additional pool hardware, fixtures, or something else, that is safe for toddlers, there is likely something on the market that will meet your needs. By examining these products, you may even find a new toy or lifesaving device that you were previously unaware of.

If the above mentioned pool accessories, for toddlers, seem like something you would like to have on hand, you will need to start shopping.  Pool accessories can be purchased form a wide variety of different locations. These locations may include storefront retail locations or online retailers.  Most stores, whether they are on or offline retailers, are likely to have a fairly large selection of these popular pool toys and accessories.

The cost of all swim accessories, including those for toddlers, will depend on what accessories you are purchasing and where you are purchasing them from.  For low-cost swim accessories, such as arm floaties, floating toys, or beach balls, you may be able to shop at your local discount store or dollar store. For more expensive items, such as a lifejackets, kickboards, or baby floats, you may need to shop online or visit your local pool supply store.

When it comes to entertaining toddlers and keeping them safe, you do not always have to purchase items that are considered top of the line, although you may want to. Regardless of which of the above mentioned swim accessories you purchase, it is likely that your young swimmer will be pleased with their new water toys.

Popular Pool Accessories for In-Ground Pools

When it comes to purchasing a swimming pool, many individuals must decide whether they would like an in-ground pool or an aboveground pool. While both types of pools are popular, many individuals would prefer to have an in-ground pool. The only problem with in-ground pools is that they are often expensive to afford.  That means that if you are the owner of an in-ground pool, it is likely that you would want to get the most out of your investment. This can be done by equipping your pool with popular pool accessories.  

When it comes to pool accessories, there are a wide variety of different items that are considered accessories. These items earn the name accessory because they are not included with the purchase of a pool; therefore, they must be purchased separately.  Despite the fact that pool accessories require spending extra money, it is likely that you will enjoy having them. This is because there are literally an unlimited number of accessories to choose from. With a selection so wide, you are likely to find exactly what you want or need.

When many individuals think of pool accessories, pool toys often come to mind.  Currently, there are a large number of pool toys that are available for sale.  Many times, these toys are classified into two different categories. These categories are often low-cost pool toys and expensive ones. If you are looking for low-cost pool toys, you are not alone. Many pool owners enjoying having pool toys, but many do not want to spend a large amount of money on them. If this is the case, you may want to look into purchasing beach balls, swim rings, dive sticks, and other similar toys. Most of these items can be purchased for fewer than five dollars.

If price is not a problem, you may want to look into more expensive pool toys. These types of toys may include a basketball hoop or a volleyball net. While these popular pool toys are more expensive than most traditional toys, they are usually worth the money. Water basketball can be played with one or more swimmers.  For extra fun with extra swimmers, a volleyball net may be a better idea. What is nice about most volleyball nets and basketball hoops is that many of them can easily be taken down and stored.

Aside from the above mentioned swim toys, there are other swim toys that are available for use with an in-ground pool.  In addition to being known as swim toys, these items are also sometimes referred to as pool fixtures.  These items include deep end diving boards and pool slides.  Deep end diving boards and pool slides add extra excitement to most in-ground pools. The only downside to purchasing a pool slide or a diving board is that these items tend to be extremely expensive.  In fact, they can cost thousands of dollars. 

Another popular in-ground pool fixture, that many individuals are largely unaware of, is a swimming pool bar.  Pool bars are similar to counters or small bar tables. They offer swimmers a safe place to set or store their food or drinks, while going for a swim.  Pool bars are a fairly new concept to residential pools, but they are rapidly increasing in popularity.  These popular items can be installed along the side of your pool or directly in it, the choices is yours to make.
While it is nice to purchase fun pool accessories, you will also want to purchase important ones. Those accessories are known as cleaning supplies.  Due to the fact that most in-ground pools are even with the ground, it is easier for debris to enter the pool. This means that you may have to clean your pool on a regular basis. When cleaning your pool, you can either use an automatic pool cleaner, a manual one, or both.  Regardless of which type of pool cleaner you use, it is important that you at least use something.  An improperly cleaned pool may result dangerous swimming water.

As you should be able to see, there are a large number of pool accessories, fixtures, and supplies that can be used with your in-ground pool. Whether you make the decision to only purchase one of the above mentioned items or all of them, it is likely that you will be pleased with your purchase.  Not only will your pool be safe for swimming, but it may also be more fun to use.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Golf Accessories In The Form Of Eyewear

Golf Accessories In The Form Of Eyewear

If you’re going to be hitting the golf course and enjoying yourself out in nature, you will probably be loaded up with quite a few pieces of golf equipment and accessories. Having useful golf accessories will always be a very helpful part of the sport, as long as you don’t overlook any of the necessary components. Out there in the sun for so long, many people find themselves wishing they had brought their sunglasses along. If you bring good sunglasses along, you will be glad that you included this invaluable golf accessory. There are many benefits to having sunglasses with you at all time, from game benefits to health benefits. Read on to find out about some of the reasons why pro golfers never leave home without sunglasses. You might change your ways and keep your glasses with you at all time from now on.

“The sun was in my eyes” might sound like nothing more than a lame excuse for a poor shot, but sometimes it rings quite true. The direct glare of the sun can completely ruin your shot, and sunglasses are able to cure this problem fairly effectively. A strong pair of glasses will render the sun ineffective on your eyes, and won’t allow it to attack your weak point for massive damage. On brighter days, the sun doesn’t even need to be shining directly into your eyes. The sheer brightness can cause you to squint and completely misjudge a shot before you make it. The sunglasses will make all of this better, and improve your accuracy overall.

The good thing about sunglasses is that despite being incredibly useful, they also have a certain amount of fashion appeal. Many think of sunglasses as a very fashionable accessory to any outfit, and they have been popularized by so many movies and characters that they have quite a large fan base. If you want to use your glasses to these ends as well, you may have to look for a special brand. Almost all glasses are useful in blocking the sun from hitting your eyes, but far fewer are useful in looking hip. If you ask an employee at the store of your choice, you will be able to get advice as to which sunglasses makers are the most hip in today’s culture.

Picking out the glasses is fairly easy. Just go to your local clothing or sporting goods store, or any other store that sells glasses like the ones you want. When picking out the specific glasses, you will want to look at the rating of what level of protection they offer to you. Since you are trying to protect your eyes from the sun as well as shade them from it, you will want a fairly high nanometer rating. The higher the nanometer rating in a pair of glasses, the more protection you will receive from UVB and UVA rays. You also want to pick glasses that are made of a high quality that will not fall apart or break easily. The material of the glasses is very important. While you want something strong, you also want something light that will make you forget you are wearing them. You may have to spend a surprising amount of money for your sunglasses, but you will find that it is worth it when you realize what a different it makes in your golf game.

There you have it. Now you should have all of the information that you need to go out and buy a pair of sunglasses that will really make things better for you. Getting the right pair will improve so much in your personal health and in your game that it is almost (but not quite) scary. So get out there today and start finding out what all the fuss is about sunglasses, and how you can get involved in the rising wave.

Golf Accessories To Help You Travel

If you are a die-hard golfer, you no doubt enjoy traveling to golf courses all around the world to practice your skills in places that are a little less familiar than the golf courses you usually spend your time at. When you travel to other parts of the country (or even other parts of the world) to play golf, you may have a hard time getting everything there easily and intact, and keeping everything sane for the whole time you are there. If you buy a few golf accessories beforehand, you can make things a lot less stressful on yourself. Here I will outline some of the things that will make your trip much easier.

First, you should purchase some sort of carrying case for your golf clubs. Having your expensive clubs smashed is never pleasant, and it is even worse when you planned your entire week around them. If you are flying to your destination then this tip will be particularly true. Buy a carrying case that will be strong enough and stiff enough to resist any crushing power that might attempt to smash your golf clubs. You can buy these strong bags at some golf stores, or online. Make sure that the one you buy is reinforced with some sort of metal material that will prevent it from caving in. You should put the case to the test before you rely on it to protect your clubs.

Another great way to keep your clubs safe is to purchase an ID tag to keep with your clubs. Include all of your contact information on it, as well as your cell phone number or the number of the hotel you are staying at. If you somehow lose your clubs in transit, it is a good idea to have them marked in a way that someone could return them to you if they were so inclined. There are still quite a few good Samaritans out there, so don’t give up all hope if something gets lost. You can make this tag yourself out of an index card, or you can buy an official one from a store. Fill it out with the most current information possible.

You should also include a few of the accessories that you usually take for granted. Include extra tees and golf balls, just in case you lose your main ones for some reason, or you can’t find the kinds you like at your destination. Small items like that have a particular tendency to get lost in luggage, so having extra will ensure that you have some once you get there. Spread them across a few different bags so that you always have a backup. It may seem extreme to do this, but you would be surprised at how frustrating it can be to have no golf balls or tees when you get to a new area.

If you are worried about losing your bag along the way, there is an option you might not have considered. There are many overnight shipping services created particularly for golfers that do not trust the airlines. One of the most popular ones, “ShipGolf”, will deliver your clubs to your hotel the very next morning. Of course they come with insurance so that if even the shipping service loses them you will be compensated. These can be a good choice if you have particularly expensive clubs.

Golf trips are a lot like the actual game that is played. The whole thing might be going according to plan, but then right near the end a really horrible shot ends up disrupting your mental flow. After that, it is almost impossible to get back in to line. This same thing applies to a golf trip overall Therefore it is good to be prepared for anything that might occur. As long as you are prepared, an undesirable event won’t cause the rest of your trip to be ruined.

Getting The Top Golf Accessories

Getting The Top Golf Accessories

When buying golf accessories, you will have a huge number of choices. What you end up choosing will depend entirely on your goal in getting an accessory to begin with. Do you want to impress your fellow golfers? Do you just want something novel to entertain you while you wait your turn? Or do you want something that will really help you improve your game? All of these things are possible, and usually a given accessory will fulfill at least two of them. So if you choose your accessories right, you can really pick some awesome things that will be an all-around blessing to you. Read on to find out about some of the things that you can take with you onto the golf course that will help you to enjoy your game of golf better or increase your skill.

When you have everything somewhere that you can easily find it, you will be able to play much more efficiently. If you paid a lot for a good set of clubs, it is crazy to have them all laying around as if they were garbage. Invest in a nice club holder or club bag that will keep everything organized and easy to select. If you spent a good amount of money on your clubs, you should treat them with respect and have them organized in a way that they are of the utmost usefulness to you during your game. These bags are available from any golf club shop, or you can go for more interesting bags online. There are many different types of bags and holders available, so search around until you find one that you like.

When people think of golf accessories, they rarely think of clothing items. If you can find a nice pair of sunglasses to wear as you golf, you may find that they help your accuracy more than anything else. By blocking the sun from coming into contact with your eyes, sunglasses will increase your concentration and allow you to make better shots all around. Sunglasses are fairly inexpensive compared to the other equipment required by golf, and can be bought in many different stores. If you want the highest quality of sunglasses that you can find, look for something with a high protection rating. These will keep all of the most harmful rays out of your eyes, which is another helpful aspect.

If you’re interested in saving money on golf balls by finding those that have been abandoned by previous golfers, you can accomplish this with just a few tools that will help you look around in the usual spots for these balls. A flashlight will help you look under shrubs and bushes. A small net will help you scoop up literally dozens of golf balls from the bottom of water hazards. Keep some sort of bag with you to dump all of your newfound golf balls into, so that you can wash them off later and add them to your collection. With the high price of new golf balls, you will find that finding the old used ones will save you plenty of money with just a little bit of effort.

It is every golfer’s dream to own a golf cart. This is usually only accomplished by veteran golfers or retirees who golf all day every day. It is simply impractical, unless you have some sort of mobility issue. Either way, having a golf cart is a very luxurious thing, and if you can afford it then you will most likely enjoy it quite a bit. There are many different places where you can buy golf carts, from certain sporting good stores to online vendors. There is a huge demand among golfers, so as long as you look in the right place you will definitely be able to find one. Just keep looking for your top golf accessories, and you will surely find what you need.

Giving A Golf Accessory Gift To An Avid Golfer

No golfer is complete without an odd and eccentric arrangement of strange accessories to help him get through the day. Golfers certainly have a lot to choose from, since it is one of the most accessorized sports out there. If you are looking for some nice golfing accessories, either for yourself or as a gift for a golfing loved one, you will have no problem finding something that will tickle your fancy. Here I will discuss some of the most practical golf accessories. There are many more than the ones that will be discussed here, but most of them are hardly able to be classified as useful. If you are looking for more of a gag gift, you may want to look elsewhere. However, if your needs include a useful golf accessory, read on.

Motorized golf caddies are devices that will carry the golfer’s clubs alongside him as he walks. Rather than straining himself by carrying the clubs manually, he can simply enjoy a stroll through the scenic golf course while the motorized caddy does most of the hard work. Before you buy one of these, you should be sure that the recipient will have a need for it. Some golfers prefer to leave their clubs in their golf cart, or to simply hire a human caddy. Find out about the golfer’s habits, and decide for yourself whether you think he would find a motorized caddy useful or not. The prices can run fairly high, so you want to make sure that the enjoyment is worth the money.

Home training equipment is also very popular in the golfing community. There are many different devices that are meant to teach golfers to swing with better technique in the comfort of their own homes. These are known as golf swing trainers, and are generally more on the expensive side than any other golf gift. There are quite a few different choices, from the basic home putting green to more advanced accelerometer-enhanced clubs that will detect your swinging angles and speed. Again, this is not the kind of gift that you should buy out of nowhere. Discuss it with the person you would like to give it to, and make sure that it would be put to good use.

Overall, you should know that golfers are a fairly easy crowd to please. Anyone who is happy just hitting balls with sticks all day will have no problem entertaining themselves with any of the gimmicky or novelty gifts that you can come up with. Therefore if you are trying to find one of the top golf accessories for yourself or a golfing friends or family member, you shouldn’t worry too much about finding the perfect thing. As long as they have decent clubs, they should be set. Golf clubs are by far the most expensive part of a golfer’s arsenal of items, and the most important part as well. If you want to buy golf clubs for someone, you would probably do better to give them a gift certificate or coupon so that they can choose them on their own.

Another gift that is great for golfers is some sort of trip to a golf course that they would really enjoy going to. Sometimes an avid golfer doesn’t have the time (or doesn’t give himself enough of a break) to visit some of the nicer or more exotic golfing locations. If you really want to surprise and delight a golfer, you should plan a golfing vacation to one of the nicer locations in the world. Maybe a place where you can golf for most of the day, then swim in the ocean for a few hours before heading to your deluxe hotel. Usually if you plan it right you can keep the cost from being too insanely high, but most of the time it is better to indulge yourself and spend what it takes to have a great time.

Are Golf Balls The Most Expensive Golf Accessories Of All

Are Golf Balls The Most Expensive Golf Accessories Of All

A golfer is always faced with a constant barrage of things that he can possibly spend his money on. These things range from the necessary things like golf clubs, to completely unnecessary things like trophy cases for hole-in-one balls. It would seem that a golfer’s money could constantly be thrown away on the many things that are available for purchase. However, one of the most expensive things that a golfer has to spend money on is not what you would expect. Golf balls are perhaps the most irritating thing that a golfer buys. He seems to buy them over and over, as they disappear into bushes, lakes, or sand traps. Rates for golf balls can seem fairly ridiculous too, with some selling for over $25 for a pack of 12. If you want to save money on golf balls or even get them for free, read on for a few tips on how you can do just this.

While you are in the middle of a golf game, there are usually many opportunities to find golf balls that have been left behind by golfers before you. It isn’t a good idea to constantly interrupt your game in search of golf balls, but if you happen to walk right by a cluster of bushes or a small water hazard, you might as well take a moment to look for golf balls that have been left behind. If you don’t mind getting your arm wet, usually you can find multiple balls just by reaching into a water pool. Bushes and other similar obstructions are also good places to look. Other golfers may find you strange when you are rooting around for golf balls, but it is definitely worth it in the end when you don’t need to pay insane amounts for golf balls every week. All you have to do is shove them into a bag you carry with you, then wash them off as soon as you get home for golf balls that are like new.

You can also buy used golf balls from many different sources, including sporting good stores in your local area. These are sold at a huge discount off of the original price, and you can usually not even tell that they have been used thanks to the cleaning processes. Usually they are not sold in matching brands or colors, so if uniformity is your thing you may be disappointed. Unless you are more than just a casual golfer, used or second-hand balls will probably work just fine. It takes a very trained hand to be able to tell the difference between a new ball and a used ball, or between an expensive ball and a cheap ball. The spin and the hardness of the balls are usually varying, but probably not enough for you to notice. Try two contrasting balls in a row and see if you notice anything, and if not then you can be happy that you are able to stick with the cheaper balls.

It may not seem like much of a money saver to get all of your golf balls for free or for a discounted rate, but the money you save will sure add up. Whether it’s just a few dollars a week or whether you notice a significantly large saving, it’s still money in your pocket that wouldn’t have been there otherwise. Therefore, you should remember the golf ball savings techniques that have been discussed so far: first of all, you should always take whatever chance you get to search for golf balls that have been left behind by previous golfers in areas that they are likely to have lost them. Secondly, buy used golf balls from sporting good stores in order to save money. If you follow these two guidelines, you are sure to experience the benefits of being free from paying full price for golf balls.

Extreme Golf Accessories: Custom Golf Carts

There is no limit to the number of accessories that you can buy for golfing. You could spend thousands of dollars on small items that will hardly ever come in handy. However, you may not have had the idea of skipping all of those small accessories. Why not save your money for an extremely handy golf accessory that will continue to be useful throughout the whole game? A custom golf cart satisfies these requirements, and is arguably one of the best golf accessories that money can buy. It may not seem practical, but if you read on you will find out about the many ways that you can accomplish this, and how it can come in handy when you are hitting the golf course.

Golf carts are almost necessary for some of the bigger golf courses. If you are going to be hitting a huge golf course anytime soon, you will almost certainly need a golf cart in order to get from one course to the other while carrying all of your gear with you. You can rent golf carts from almost any golf course, but why rent when you can have your own for a cheaper rate in the long run? It is preferable because it allows you to buy a cart that has exactly what you want, and allows you to customize it in the future. The choices for custom golf carts far exceed those for the ones that you can rent, and you can get quite a luxurious setup going on.

The size of the golf cart can vary greatly. It is possible to buy one that is almost like an oversized go-kart. It will only hold you and your clubs, but it will be inexpensive and very efficient with gas. However, if you play golf socially then you will probably want to invest in a golf cart that seats 2 or even 4 people along with their gear. The power of the cart is also important. If the cart is fully loaded down and traveling along at a steady rate, will you immediately start to backslide when you start heading up a hill? This is very important to consider, especially with the hilly nature of golf courses. With most golf cart manufacturers you will not have much to worry about, especially if you stick with brands that are more well-known.

With your own golf cart, you can begin to make the ride more enjoyable, much the same way you would with a regular car. You can install a stereo system if you want to enjoy some tunes in between courses. If you are good with electronics like that, you could install a regular car stereo system in the golf cart without too much trouble. Just imagine being the only one on the golf course who is able to crank out music as loud as a rock concert. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? You can deck out your golf cart with as many features as you could imagine, whether your goal is to make the ride more enjoyable, more efficient, or simply quicker. It can make a great ongoing project to add onto at later dates.

If you are interested in putting together a custom golf cart, you can either do it yourself if you are the engineering type, or you can contact a golf cart manufacturer. There are several companies that sell golf carts to individuals, and if you can get one as close as possible to what you want then it will be very possible to add features in the future. Make sure you are very clear on the cost and the methods of delivery when you begin to order your golf cart, so that you aren’t hit with any nasty surprise bills that you weren’t expecting. It’s definitely a big project to undertake, but if you have the time and money to do it then you will surely have a good time.