Sunday, July 9, 2017

Are Golf Balls The Most Expensive Golf Accessories Of All

Are Golf Balls The Most Expensive Golf Accessories Of All

A golfer is always faced with a constant barrage of things that he can possibly spend his money on. These things range from the necessary things like golf clubs, to completely unnecessary things like trophy cases for hole-in-one balls. It would seem that a golfer’s money could constantly be thrown away on the many things that are available for purchase. However, one of the most expensive things that a golfer has to spend money on is not what you would expect. Golf balls are perhaps the most irritating thing that a golfer buys. He seems to buy them over and over, as they disappear into bushes, lakes, or sand traps. Rates for golf balls can seem fairly ridiculous too, with some selling for over $25 for a pack of 12. If you want to save money on golf balls or even get them for free, read on for a few tips on how you can do just this.

While you are in the middle of a golf game, there are usually many opportunities to find golf balls that have been left behind by golfers before you. It isn’t a good idea to constantly interrupt your game in search of golf balls, but if you happen to walk right by a cluster of bushes or a small water hazard, you might as well take a moment to look for golf balls that have been left behind. If you don’t mind getting your arm wet, usually you can find multiple balls just by reaching into a water pool. Bushes and other similar obstructions are also good places to look. Other golfers may find you strange when you are rooting around for golf balls, but it is definitely worth it in the end when you don’t need to pay insane amounts for golf balls every week. All you have to do is shove them into a bag you carry with you, then wash them off as soon as you get home for golf balls that are like new.

You can also buy used golf balls from many different sources, including sporting good stores in your local area. These are sold at a huge discount off of the original price, and you can usually not even tell that they have been used thanks to the cleaning processes. Usually they are not sold in matching brands or colors, so if uniformity is your thing you may be disappointed. Unless you are more than just a casual golfer, used or second-hand balls will probably work just fine. It takes a very trained hand to be able to tell the difference between a new ball and a used ball, or between an expensive ball and a cheap ball. The spin and the hardness of the balls are usually varying, but probably not enough for you to notice. Try two contrasting balls in a row and see if you notice anything, and if not then you can be happy that you are able to stick with the cheaper balls.

It may not seem like much of a money saver to get all of your golf balls for free or for a discounted rate, but the money you save will sure add up. Whether it’s just a few dollars a week or whether you notice a significantly large saving, it’s still money in your pocket that wouldn’t have been there otherwise. Therefore, you should remember the golf ball savings techniques that have been discussed so far: first of all, you should always take whatever chance you get to search for golf balls that have been left behind by previous golfers in areas that they are likely to have lost them. Secondly, buy used golf balls from sporting good stores in order to save money. If you follow these two guidelines, you are sure to experience the benefits of being free from paying full price for golf balls.

Extreme Golf Accessories: Custom Golf Carts

There is no limit to the number of accessories that you can buy for golfing. You could spend thousands of dollars on small items that will hardly ever come in handy. However, you may not have had the idea of skipping all of those small accessories. Why not save your money for an extremely handy golf accessory that will continue to be useful throughout the whole game? A custom golf cart satisfies these requirements, and is arguably one of the best golf accessories that money can buy. It may not seem practical, but if you read on you will find out about the many ways that you can accomplish this, and how it can come in handy when you are hitting the golf course.

Golf carts are almost necessary for some of the bigger golf courses. If you are going to be hitting a huge golf course anytime soon, you will almost certainly need a golf cart in order to get from one course to the other while carrying all of your gear with you. You can rent golf carts from almost any golf course, but why rent when you can have your own for a cheaper rate in the long run? It is preferable because it allows you to buy a cart that has exactly what you want, and allows you to customize it in the future. The choices for custom golf carts far exceed those for the ones that you can rent, and you can get quite a luxurious setup going on.

The size of the golf cart can vary greatly. It is possible to buy one that is almost like an oversized go-kart. It will only hold you and your clubs, but it will be inexpensive and very efficient with gas. However, if you play golf socially then you will probably want to invest in a golf cart that seats 2 or even 4 people along with their gear. The power of the cart is also important. If the cart is fully loaded down and traveling along at a steady rate, will you immediately start to backslide when you start heading up a hill? This is very important to consider, especially with the hilly nature of golf courses. With most golf cart manufacturers you will not have much to worry about, especially if you stick with brands that are more well-known.

With your own golf cart, you can begin to make the ride more enjoyable, much the same way you would with a regular car. You can install a stereo system if you want to enjoy some tunes in between courses. If you are good with electronics like that, you could install a regular car stereo system in the golf cart without too much trouble. Just imagine being the only one on the golf course who is able to crank out music as loud as a rock concert. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? You can deck out your golf cart with as many features as you could imagine, whether your goal is to make the ride more enjoyable, more efficient, or simply quicker. It can make a great ongoing project to add onto at later dates.

If you are interested in putting together a custom golf cart, you can either do it yourself if you are the engineering type, or you can contact a golf cart manufacturer. There are several companies that sell golf carts to individuals, and if you can get one as close as possible to what you want then it will be very possible to add features in the future. Make sure you are very clear on the cost and the methods of delivery when you begin to order your golf cart, so that you aren’t hit with any nasty surprise bills that you weren’t expecting. It’s definitely a big project to undertake, but if you have the time and money to do it then you will surely have a good time.

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