Monday, April 3, 2017

The Incredible Value of the New York Pass

The Incredible Value of the New York Pass

If you're planning to visit New York City it really pays to make the investment in The New York Pass. This pass will allow you free entrance into some of the biggest attractions that New York has to offer in addition to discounts to many more attraction and a 140 page guide book that gives you information about many of the places you won't want to miss while you're visiting this great city.

Some of the places that you are allowed free admission by way of your New York Pass include the following: The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Isle with a free round-trip ferry ticket and gives you skip ahead privileges for the ticket line, free admission to the Guggenheim Museum (though you may need to pay additional fees for special exhibitions), the New York Skyride, and the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum. These are just a few of the many places you can go for no additional fees. If you're planning to fit many activities into your time in New York, this is by far the best way to go.

There are often offers for discounts if you are purchasing multiple days of The New York Pass, the fact remains however that if you are choosing more than two events on any given day you'll probably be saving money on admission alone by purchasing the pass. If you're only planning on one paid activity per day then you're better off not making the purchase of a pass. With all vacations there are simple matters of economics involved. There are two forms of economics that come into play on a vacation-money and time. Time is often the most carefully guarded of the two while vacationing and people forget to pay attention to cast budgets as a result feeling it is better to waste money than to waste time.

I personally like to waste neither. I enjoy the skip ahead privileges that having city passes often allow as well as the knowledge that I've already paid for the days activities and can keep a better eye on where the remainder of my funds are being spent.

In addition to the many freebies that are involved as a result of the New York Pass there are also invaluable discounts that you can get on dining, souvenirs, even tours such as the New York Helicopter Sightseeing Tours. And then there are some tours that having a New York Pass will allow you to experience for free as well. Among those are: the United Nations Tour, The NBC Studio Tour, the Radio City Music Hall Stage Door Tour, the Rockefeller Center Tour, and the Tour at Lincoln Center.

The pass will introduce you to museums and zoos with free admission that you may not have otherwise considered and open the doors to extra entertainment for the entire family. If you're going to be in New York for an extended period of time, 3 days or more, and plan to take a lot of tours and do a lot of sight seeing on your trip, I seriously recommend that you buy the New York Pass and use it every chance you get for free entrance fees and merchandise or food discounts and freebies. This is by far one of the best tips anyone can give you about your visit to New York and your budget. I also recommend tailoring your experience to the free things offered as much as possible and save your money for gifts, mementos, and the wonderful food and shows that abound in this fabulous city. Be sure to pay close attention when ordering tickets and checking to see if you are entitled to a discount because of your New York Pass. Do your best to enjoy your time and try not to fit too many things into one day. There are only so many hours in a day and while New York may be the City that Never Sleeps, we all need to sleep sometime.

The Blessings Of Vacations

There are so many wonderful things to do and see in New York City. It's hard to imagine that in a lifetime someone could possibly manage to get to them all. The problem is that many of them sound like so much fun it's hard to choose between the men and select the few. The best solution for me is to stick with things that can't be done at home. Playing in parks for the most part can be done at home. While none of our parks compare to the many available here, it can still be done at home without traveling thousands of miles in order to do so.

The same can be said for watching movies, fishing, hiking, riding bikes, and roller-blading. While getting exercise is great, there will be plenty of walking while in New York and I can actually roller blade when I get home, right? But if you like doing those things, why on earth would you deprive yourself of doing them simply because the locale has changed? If anything you will have a new shot of scenery to enjoy, new sights and sounds, and perhaps you can get your family, up, out, and active right along with you. 

In addition to the physical activities there are so many wonderful shows that can be seen on and off Broadway, there are also some wonderful opportunities to dance yourself as well as to watch others dancing. You can make music and listen to the beautiful sounds that others have made. You also have the wonderful and unique ability to choose from so many bookstore and antique shops. There are literally thousands of things you can choose to do and see within the course of a day in New York City, many of them free and some of them are actually freeing. 

It is so important that we remember when vacationing what the actual purpose of a vacation is-to renew ourselves in our commitments to our families, our mates, and our work. In doing this we are supposed to come back refreshed and renewed ready to face the challenges that await us. Find something freeing to do while on vacation. Let your hair down and enjoy the ability to dance without worrying about who might see. Sing karaoke in a tavern, act silly with your kids and go walking barefoot on the beach with flowers in your hair. Remember what it was like to be young and have fun for the sake of having fun and most importantly, remember how to smile. 

Your New York Vacation should remind you, if nothing else how fleeting life is. The skyline of this great city has forever been changed and that is something we can never forget, it is not something we need to dwell on, but it is something that should really make us think when we remember it. We should seize each moment with our friends and families for the opportunity it is to not only be blessed but also to be a blessing in return. 
Use your vacation as an opportunity to read to your children, sing to your mate, hold hands in the rain, and fall in love with each other all over again. Be romantic and sweet and hold the door open for him. Be silly and make up rhyming songs and tell your children often just how much you are enjoying playing with them and remember all of these things when you return home. That is when you will find that you are truly blessed.

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